I'm no fan of their past actions at times, but it seems more relevant than having a Sam Allardyce parody thing stickied.
Does it really matter?
Yes it fucking does, you pompous twit.YOU are the one who implied most other sites have an SOS stickie, so bloody well tell us which ones.
So that's two. Not exactly the norm then.
Beginning to agree with Macca here. Why should we have one if only RAWK do? And theyre bleeding sensationalists half the time anyway.
It was clearly implied that it was the norm. Maybe you don't understand the language. Typical SOS arrogance.
No, you implied it, not me.
I'll sleep easy dont you worry. Just because someone on the internet is wrong wouldn't usually send me into a bout of insomnia. 😉
You should make it a poll, Rael.
I think it would be a bit pointless Delinquent. It's quite clear this site doesn't want something like this given the response.