*wipes drool off SCM windows*
What flavour is your window?
any managerial appointment is a risk, but someone with som kind of history of signing great players for little cost I would be interested inAnyhow, Klopp and Rafa are the preferred options thus far, with AVB not far behind
Seems like not many people want to find the next Pepe, or Arsne, and want a safer pair of hands?
Anyhow, Klopp and Rafa are the preferred options thus far, with AVB not far behind
Seems like not many people want to find the next Pepe, or Arsne, and want a safer pair of hands?
Ok. I have made up my mind. I want Del Bosque or Pellegrini. Or Klopp, but he is in the mids of something big.
Del Bosque, I like that. Think of the players he could bring, que non?
VERY LOUD noises about Rafa nowRoffa and Klopp head to head. Suspicion of a hanging chad in Roscos house tonight
from who? ros?VERY LOUD noises about Rafa now
Seriously, Rafa has 12 votes
Are people full on fucking thick?
from who? ros?
I didn't want Kenny to leave, but it can't be changed now.
I want Rafa back.
What we need is some form of consistently good leadership, without having to reinvent football. Kenny could have given us that in spite of the poor results this term. But we didn't want to wait and find out. He made a lot of changes to the team that finished on the up the season before, and there was always a chance that we would encounter some kind of trouble.
I don't want a new manager who comes in and thinks he needs to do a complete revamp of everything from the youth setup to put his stamp on it....that would be another 10 year project. The quickest way to the top is to give the job to the man who was reasonably successful the last time he was doing it and back him.
Racistyou are such an enigma sunny.
I think its a bit like when you split up with a partner, and the one you had before that is still around and still interested. Its easy to forget how annoying they were at the time.
I voted Andre, in the hope he brings that fit Physio from Chelsea, or club Doctor, whatever she was!!
That's quite extraordinary. You said you want Benitez as manager then went on to give a list of reasons why we shouldn't get him!
The last time he was here he made pretty much all the changes that you said you didn't want, and since then he has claimed that the (then) owners went on to change everything again, plus you have admitted yourself that Kenny made a lot of changes even after that.
So surely if we were to get Benitez back, he would want to make all of those changes again wouldn't he?
No- because as Kenny said recently, the whole youth set up, envy of the PL, was Rafa's initiative. It is his set up.
Also, a lot of these decisions would no longer fall under his purview. and he'd be hired under that understanding.
And y'know what? I think I'd honestly rather see him try and fail than have the likes of Mourinho at this club.