OK, so I've given in and decided to do a bit of facebooking. The thing is my wife is joining at the same time, so we're going to have some strange competition in the accumulation of Friends. Problem is, most people I know in the real world either don't do facebook, or I don't want poking around my facebook (colleagues etc.) So I need you guys to befriend me. I only have 4 friends for Christ's sakes. Also, how do I stop people I don't know from seeing my shit? How do I find people on here when I don't know their real names and shit.
A bunch of people I don't think I know have poked me....
It's all so confusing and frightening. Help me. Love me.
A bunch of people I don't think I know have poked me....
It's all so confusing and frightening. Help me. Love me.