You broke my heart FredoI know your game, I've your number, you're not *that* sound you know...
You broke my heart FredoI know your game, I've your number, you're not *that* sound you know...
2nd Top..What? So my double donation (which equals) £65 quid doesn't make the top donations chart?! Right I'm heading to the bar!!!!! (To get a lemonade!) 😉
😀 I'm such a slut!. However I don't know what I'd do without this place. I love it here and have done for time and a day. Great work Jonno and others. Not least for putting up with my meltdowns. I'll try my best to continue accordingly X 😉2nd Top..
Thanks for asking, old friend, but that won't be necessary. Truth to tell I hadn't realised the donation had gone through (I was waiting for a page to come up requesting my details) but, since it has, as the Beatles once advised us all: "Let It Be". 🙂
If more is required further down the line do let us all know.
Last night's donations are in ... Big thanks to @Tinto (post MORE!), @Gerry_A_Trick, @Ijg (can you get Snoop dog to sponsor us too?), @singlerider (when are you returning to us?), @gashomme (stop lurking, start posting! 🙂 ), @Irish_Red , @Dee (much thanks for your generosity), another kind anonymous soul and @RedStar ...
Thank you!
Life's been job, new house, new gf, split with the old one of 15 years, sold the old house to her, got shit to do to the new one...
But I'll be back. Life has just been a bit eventful of late
HahahaI reckon you spend the extra six hundred quid on SEO and targeted Twitter ads.
"Do you love LFC but hate all the dickheads on RAWK and Kraptalk? Do you start talking about football but soon end up arguing about acceptable sandwiches and telling everyone to fuck off? Are you prepared to bare knuckle fight for the honour of your favourite Tayto?" etc
I reckon you spend the extra six hundred quid on SEO and targeted Twitter ads.
"Do you love LFC but hate all the dickheads on RAWK and Kraptalk? Do you start talking about football but soon end up arguing about acceptable sandwiches and telling everyone to fuck off? Are you prepared to bare knuckle fight for the honour of your favourite Tayto?" etc
Do you have attention deficit disorder and love a punch up
it'll save us thousands on agency fees with BBH for some hipster-bearded twat and his transitioning copywriting team to come up with a "positioning statement" that means fuck all.
SCM. This Means More.
New Improved SCM Now more than just arguments about Lucas.
Thank you @jexykrodic & @RedNinja for your generous donations! Much appreciated!
Definitely, thanks for all your hard work RN!Oh, and most importantly, a big thanks to @RedNinja who spends HOURS of his own time every week to fix issues, improve the site and make this place tick. He really is the glue that holds this together, and he deserves a big THANK YOU.
What do you think this Donation request was for.. ??Definitely, thanks for all your hard work RN!