Scams and Cold calls

Donavan Ried

Alive and still kicking, Just
Quite a while back I receive a phone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft telling me I had a problem with my pc...This was when this scam was in its early days. Being the type of person who leans toward trusting people I proceeded in granting remote access to my pc.
My suspicions where only aroused when they offered to sell me Malware bite 178.99. Yet they could not tell me if that was GBP, Dollars or Euros. They could only answer the question by saying “Your currency”
I told them that I could not pay now and to phone back in three days when I would have the funds.
Now that I was suspicious, I looked on line to find that the download and License for Malware bites would cost £17.99
Needless to say, when they phoned back, I told them where to go

Many of us are caught one way or another by “Scams” even if we do not always lose money by them. The scammers can gain info... The whole thing as made me a lot wiser

What is it they say... Fool me once; Shame on you. Fool me twice: Shame on me

The thing that I really learnt is if you get a call, e-mail or text out of the blue from your Bank ISP Credit Card Company or anything financial do not reply straight away, if at all. Got make yourself a cup of tea. Relax for 5 mins, then think about it, and if your need to phone the people you received the call, text, e-mail from,
  1. Do not use any number provide to you by the message
  2. if by phone; then use another phone, ie Landline and look up the number
These people have been known to record dialing tones, hand on the line so when you try to phone you get the dialing tone, dial the number and you believe you have reached the company you want but are straight back through to the scammers so beware

Here are a couple of “Scams” that they have tried recently

The under paid postage Scam...
You will receive a text claiming the package/letter that you have recently has been held because you have not paid the correct postage and you have to visit a web site or phone a number...
I believe that you will be in courage to enter your card details online or over the phone, charge the 40-70p so it looks legit and your card details then sold on or clone for a bigger pay day

The stolen I-phone scam...

I receive a letter, Had my address but no name. It read You have stolen my I-phone in Oxford (I Live in North London) and I want it back. I have not informed the police as yet. I just want the phone and am willing to meet you and pay you £100. Contact me via this e-mail address... I will not enter the e-mail address given on the letter but it when something like this

I believe, and I could be wrong that if you send an e-mail to this address that you will get a reply, but that reply will contain spyware/malware to infect your device and steal your info

I am hope others here share “Scams” that have been tried on them or people they know
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