EVERTON star Royston Drenthe is forking out £500,000 to put a night- club underneath his house.
The 24-year-old Real Madrid player, on loan to the Premier League side, is renting fellow Dutchstar Ryan Babel’s former home in Liverpool.
Babel has given him the go-ahead for the renovation and the builders have already moved in.
They are installing a top-of-the- range sound system, decks and strobes that would not be out of place in any of the city’s top nightspots.
The fun-loving striker, dubbed the Dutch Mario Balotelli because of his mad behaviour, rigging up a microphone so he can rap for his guests.
Drenthe is a wannabe hip-hop star and has recorded with Dutch rapper U-Niq.
The basement nightclub plan is the latest wacky stunt from the headline-grabbing footballer.
In Spain he became famous for his outrageous lifestyle and his brushes with the law.
The dad-of-two was a big fan of the Madrid party scene and despite being married was linked to the Spanish Playboy Gracia Model Melena Gracia.
When interviewed on Spanish telly, Royston famously responded to the question: “How often do you have sex?” with the answer: “With my wife, you mean?”
The gold-toothed wild man smashed into a police car while driving in Madrid and blamed his satnav for telling him to turn left.
He was then stopped at 4am doing 100mph after having run six red
An Everton source said: “Drenthe is a talented guy but is a bit of a livewire.
“He likes to party so it’s maybe a good thing that he can do it in a club in his own house rather than hitting the headlines for trawling nightspots in the city.”