The forum is shit.
In my opinion 3 posters have ruined the football forum and I genuinely cant be arsed with it.
But by the same token im too old and busy to really give that much of a fuck or be arsed picking over the carcass of a football game. I thought last season would really reignite my love for the game but it hasnt I barely watch us play nowaday, I dont have any real love or affinity for anyone at the club, its a money spinning circus and it doesnt really matter who wins or loses the effort is not represantative of the money gleaned. They all get richer and richer and dont really seem to give all that much of a fuck. The game really has nothing to do with me anymore.
So maybe its not the triple poster thread ruining threat that has put me off, maybe its my own old cynical miserable malaise that has put me off.
Either way, I cant be arsed listening to you all gripe and fucking moan about a bunch of rich cunts who dont give a fuck about me.
So my posting will undoubtably be less and less from the almost non existant levels now. And honestly I havnt missed it a bit.
Its not what it was 3 or 5 or 10 years ago. Ive changed, weve changed. Im probably the better off for it, this forum isnt. It shouldnt have changed. Nowadays its a bit of a mess. I havnt the heart for it. Not at all.
In my opinion 3 posters have ruined the football forum and I genuinely cant be arsed with it.
But by the same token im too old and busy to really give that much of a fuck or be arsed picking over the carcass of a football game. I thought last season would really reignite my love for the game but it hasnt I barely watch us play nowaday, I dont have any real love or affinity for anyone at the club, its a money spinning circus and it doesnt really matter who wins or loses the effort is not represantative of the money gleaned. They all get richer and richer and dont really seem to give all that much of a fuck. The game really has nothing to do with me anymore.
So maybe its not the triple poster thread ruining threat that has put me off, maybe its my own old cynical miserable malaise that has put me off.
Either way, I cant be arsed listening to you all gripe and fucking moan about a bunch of rich cunts who dont give a fuck about me.
So my posting will undoubtably be less and less from the almost non existant levels now. And honestly I havnt missed it a bit.
Its not what it was 3 or 5 or 10 years ago. Ive changed, weve changed. Im probably the better off for it, this forum isnt. It shouldnt have changed. Nowadays its a bit of a mess. I havnt the heart for it. Not at all.