The latest Stan Collymore Incident...
1) Stan is offered a gig on MOTD2
2) Stan accepts offer, tweets about it.
3) Gary Lineker tweets "welcome".
4) Offer goes away.
Stan writes one of those "open letters"...
At the end of last season i was asked by Mr Mark Chapman, presenter of MOTD2, at Old Trafford, in front of colleagues, if i would be interested in appearing on MOTD2 this season, and if he could have my number to pass on to his producer.
I intimated that it was a lovely offer and i would be delighted to, should my talkSPORT schedule allow as i work on Sunday, the day of transmission.
I received an e-mail, posted earlier ( sent to several respected British journalists as proof after several outlets and individuals plainly called me a liar and making the offer up ) from the producer saying MOTD2 would be delighted if i could do "some" shows, schedule willing during the 2014/15 season.
I posted this at the time, and at a time when several people decided that a post about the Falkland Islands, despite no mention of British forces, the conflict of 1982 or the nation known as Argentina, constituted heresy by virtue of merely mentioning the islands.
Amidst this disinformation, which continues with daily harassment by several internet "trolls", the BBC producer called me, in front of Mark Saggers and several colleagues at Wembley stadium, on speakerphone and intimated that complaints had been made by some members of the public ( some of whom received letters which told 2 simple facts, namely i had no contract with the BBC, and that i had not been booked to appear on MOTD2), which meant there would be an "ongoing" discussion as to whether i would be invited to appear.
Now, in truth, the BBC asked me, several times, so i asked why there was a need for an "ongoing " discussion, as it was they who asked me to appear, not the other way around.
'You are a controversial figure" came the reply.
The BBC over the years have employed, on contract or on several appearances, not "several footie appearances", the following people.
1. Jimmy Saville. A serial paedophile. Would be in prison.
2. Lesley Grantham. Convicted of manslaughter.Prison.
3. Jonny Vaughan. Convicted of selling cocaine. Prison.
4. Jeremy Clarkson. Several warnings for alleged casual racism.
5. Dan Pentaedo, Rogue Traders. Prison for council tax fraud
6. Stuart Hall. BBC 5 Live . Prison, paedophile.
7. Martyn Smith,former BBC Sport producer. Suspended sentence for child porn.
8. David Dickinson. 4 year sentence for fraud.
So one could argue that there is some degree of hypocrisy in that statement. And i reiterate i was asked to appear, not the other way round. So the relevant questions are..
1. Why ask me in the first place? I presume because i am a hard working, diligent football broadcaster?
2. Is the MOTD2 offer still there? If not, why not?
3. If my tweet about the Falklands, which did not mention the 1982 conflict, nor Argentina, nor was aimed at British servicemen or women, merely an opinion of British colonial policy in centuries gone by ( look at the EXACT wording of the Falklands tweet, you MAY NOT put words in my mouth), was offensive enough for the BBC to withdraw their offer, why does Jeremy Clarkson get several attempts at offending many Britons? Popularity? Income generator?
4. At the World Cup in Brazil, i chatted with the BBC producer of MOTD2 at Arena So Paolo, who suggested that the show , as of July ( it was the World Cup, and BBC emails used by those who suggest i will not be appearing are dated May and June, so the meeting was dated after these) was still "very interested" in using me this season, and he would be in contact.
I fully expect BBC MOTD2 to use me as a pundit this season for the "appearances, when schedules allow" that they asked me to do.
If the BBC hierarchy decided, on the basis of my Falklands tweet to revoke their offer, I have not been told, and to be frank i would not expect to be, so any newspaper reports, any trolling or spin to the contrary is simply not true.
I look forward to appearing several times on MOTD2 this season to add the insight, passion and liveliness to a great show as the producer asked me to do.
If Clarkson can work for the BBC, so can I. And i will.
Stan Collymore