Only in the past month or so
If that's a play on LEEEEEEROOOOOY JENKINS!!!!! then you should not be ashamed at all.
Somewhere.....a kid has just been born. I dont think he will change the world or anything but one day could be a really good part of a squad for us.
that mark Chamberlain who's just signed for Portsmouth. His Mrs is pregnant. Bet that kids gonna be an option for us in the future.
Shame about the potential double barreled name though
Found it for you mate:Can't be arsed to trawl through the old thread to see what I said if anything.
Though i would have probably said; good player, costs too much.
Still, better than paying too much for useless lumps like some others in the League
Found it for you mate:
Found it for you mate:
That looks more like Gini.Found it for you mate:
RacistI hope this doesn't sound racist but doesn't that look more like a picture of Gini?
Ha poor Avvy will never live that down.
That Lucas thread will live with me forever.Live it *down*?!
He set the bar so high, that nobody can ever get even close. It's immortal.
I do agree that it does look a lot like Wijnaldum, but that's probably intentional. Who knows? Or even dares ask?