Coutinho is injured.
Played the other night fella. Unless he’s a boss centre half or a goalie with actual arms, a brain and reflexes he’d have made fuck all difference. This thread is hilarious too. Some right mewling fuckers on here.
Coutinho is injured.
Soz, I know he played. I just keep saying it.
Played the other night fella. Unless he’s a boss centre half or a goalie with actual arms, a brain and reflexes he’d have made fuck all difference. This thread is hilarious too. Some right mewling fuckers on here.
Its always a blast when we win. Init
Look at Ryan. He has arguably the worst avatar in LFC forum history, but does he change it? He does not.
Nor is playing under fucking Warnock, is it?
Big fan of Warnock are you as a coach?
"OK" as in "Yes,", "No,", "I misheard that as a racist remark," or "I'm too much of a tool to answer honestly"?
Maybe the mods should have a think about this, and then have a word with this...person. Frankly I think it's beneath comment, but I don't think he should get away with it.
It's one thing to get abused by Fabio, who appears to have an exalted status that allows him to do as he pleases, but it's another thing entirely when Mark, a mod who is supposed to intervene in such a context, eagerly encourages it like some snotty little wimp jumping up and down in the school yard behind the resident bully. He does this time and time again, he abuses his powers as a mod just about every week and on matchdays innumerable times, and if you really take the role of mods seriously on here, it's about time you remove him from this position so that this stops happening. There's a line to be crossed and he's crossed it once to often.
@mark1975 this doesn't impact me in the slightest, but does the forum have the ability with some tweaking to put mods on ignore? I see a few people moaning about mods just because they don't agree etc, and if it's other posters - it's piece of piss, you just whack them on ignore and carry on enjoying the forum. Being forced to see a certain mods posts is a bit draconian? I'm just thinking for a more harmonious environment for the people getting really wound up, it might help? They might get on with everyone else but might end up leaving because of it?
Just walk away init?The problem is people can't seem to just ignore someone when they're being a twat.
I would hate to see what you're like in real life if someone's annoying you.
I don't think I've ever been annoyed at anyone in here. Which is funny because in real life people do my head in. Mostly I just can't be arsed getting wound up, especially on the football forum as I don't find my opinion so important that I'll crack up about it.Just walk away init?
The pikey comment someone reportedI have seen people round on posters though and all put the mini-boot in, we all seen it happen to Modo or Brendon etc. And they should be entitled to their opinions however fucking stupid they are. But if you've got a handful of posters ploughing into you, including mods maybe, then surely it'd be just easy for them to whack people on ignore and carry on? If you've got to filter through every post smashing you because you've said mongolet is great or something, it must be a chore to get back into the thread.
If it's possible within reason, I don't see an option with enabling it myself. If a mod wants to warn someone, they can still send them a PM if they need to. A bit like when the dickhead one sent me a warning for calling Andy Carroll a long haired pikey.
Hmmm you raise some good points there Mark.
@gkmacca you're not going to stand for this are you? He's pretty much calling you a hypocrite there.
for calling Andy Carroll a long haired pikey
(on Karius) He wasn't ready, you didn't know his abilities, it was blind faith. And well, well, well, Rodgers worshipper, you're now trying to explain away the fact that I've obviously argued against Klopp because it doesn't fit with your pathetic stereotyping. You really are a piece of work. Why don't you just put the green and white hoops on and float off to a nicer place?
It's a bit rich the one-man flag waver of undying love for Rodgers questions why he's mentioned. And before you labour into your only lamentably lazy and utterly otiose response, it's a bit different to thousands of flag wavers for someone else. Grow up.
(On Rosco's Klopp thread) Send him to Celtic, pronto.