Did they love him, with him being South American and shite?
he was gonna be the new hansen.
Did they love him, with him being South American and shite?
rushian sent me a message on here once asking me to join rawk cos they were looking for innovative and edgy posters. proper weird.
Consider it generous then.Localny doesnt deserve that Oncy. Fucking hell.
rushian sent me a message on here once asking me to join rawk cos they were looking for innovative and edgy posters. proper weird.
Onky, come on, Locals a fucking ledge. Play nice.
You didnt ask people to stay on topic.
Youre a boring cunt.
I'll put that in general for you if youd prefer it.
Fuck sake. You say you're going to titwank ONE fella and the site falls apart
Everyone but me; PACK IT IN
You COULD not respond at all. Then we'd all be happy.Go back and read what I said. I even tried it in good humor. I could respond in kind, but I won't.
You COULD not respond at all. Then we'd all be happy.
A sphincter says what?Mate, you are a child. Why bother.
HahahahaI'd rather be a child than an adult with the personality of a potato.
Lads leave it out, it's getting shit now.
I got a word for giving stick to one of the biggest WUM twats on here a week or so back, Localny's been on here for years and is always a good lad. Get the stick out for one of them bellends next time.
Youre out of order.Fucking cunts.