Anyone else see Danny Wilson's bird sitting next to him tonight?
It's never normal match goers on these cheap matches, the shouts of shoot to carra told you that, it's normal about 20% of the crowd, not most of them.
I mentioned the Kenny shout earlier, disrespectful at best, & if it continues the media will push it as an agenda as soon as we have a loss or two.
There were a couple during the game.Didn't hear any Kenny shouts, was it late on?
I agree, and I would have been one of them, but for now, at least I would like to keep the status-quo in the back four as I think it's important this season.12 months ago the vast majority of the site would have been happy to let Agger go for £10m. One almost completely fit season later people are turning their noses up at accepting £20m plus.
I must say I am not being disrespectful to the Hillsborough victims here, but these cup matches are pissing me off with all this "stand up for the 96 business", we had a bout four lots of it in pretty close succession, if I was sure it was sincere and not some spotty kids getting a buzz out of making the whole of the ground on their feet, it would not be so bad.
Rodgers after Glenjo scored. I wonder who he reminds you of?
On point 6 there (and i know the opposition were muck), there was a point in the 68th-ish minute that all 11 of our outfield players were within 30 yards of their goal.
It was fucking awesome.
Said this a million times last season.Playing Devils advocate for a moment, we played the exact same lovely footy under Kenny at times too, it was the end result of the nice footy that let us down, which was Swansea’s achilles heel last season too.
He, think that was good?
Wait til Joe Allen gets into that side and starts sexing the shit out of things too.
When you say 'never the problem' it sort of became the problem later in the season. I recall that Stoke home game which a lot of 6CMers attended in January, the football was dire with little apparent tactics or invention. In fact everyone was kicking themselves that they didn't back 0-0 after the game as that's what everyone had suspected when the teams were read out and no one was surprised by the way the match went... So we had our good moments, but our fair share of crap too.
This nail on head stuff just comes naturally to you. I remember many in the King Harry predicting 0-0 before the game. Myself included. A dire, dire game.