Re: LFC not yet sold to NESV (but we're getting there, maybe...)
Keep the faith was heard from Broughton’s calm voice,
Judge Floyd came up trumps, it was time to rejoice,
Hicks was found guilty of frustrating the sale,
The tweets and the updates arrived without fail,
Christian Purslow the snake, he did us proud,
A Home Team win, he exclaimed out loud,
Ian Ayre was silent, yet he kept his class,
Broughton our Gandalf, thou shalt not pass
Hick was not finished, he had tricks up his sleeve,
He had dirty tactics that we could not believe,
His team entered the court, one last throw of the dice,
Grabiner stood firm, it was men against mice,
Was Hicks dead and buried, Grabiner had licence to kill,
Day two was down, we we’re up two nil,
A TRO arrived from Texas, yet it smelt of corruption,
Our men acted fast to try remove this disruption,
Hicks brought it on himself, he has no one to blame,
Yet his delaying tactic forced us to play the waiting game,
Not for long, as the court will soon be in session,
To rid the doom and gloom of this unwanted depression,
Out with the old and in with the new,
We await our saviours who come to the rescue,
John Henry, our Knight with his sox so red,
With his nerdy glasses and a hat on his head,
6CM had it all, laughs, moans and fears,
Spiderneil’s questions had us in tears,
The question machine, yep, that’s our Spide,
He couldn’t have asked more questions, even if he tried,
We had whoosh’s and tantrums, twist and turns,
Some zingers, some facepalms and some hilarious burns,
Oncy bossed day two, lets give him his dues,
Our resident legal team even offered their expert views
Gene was on fire, he was our Lebron,
MVP all star, always on song,
Brendan kept quiet and didn’t rear his head,
The Return of Ryan sure we’ll take that instead,
It’s all about to end, I can see the bright light,
But Hicks won’t roll over with out one last fight,
Well “blow me fuckface” we say with disdain,
Come 5pm ,will 6CM pop the champagne?