'We thought we had a buyer in 2010. There were two guys, a major inventor and the youngest executive at ICI, based in Thailand. They had a letter from a Swiss bank guaranteeing funds in the hundreds of millions. The plan was buy the club, erase the debt, money for transfers and a new stadium. I was truly happy, delirious to be honest. I was ready to go.
'They knew the small details of the club, the move to Stanley Park, the move to Kirkby. They had instructed a serious legal firm, they did due diligence, their costs alone must have been £150,000. We were six months down the line and the guy from Thailand was coming over to sign it all off.
'Then he was delayed due to the ash cloud, and it dragged on. Finally he said he was flying in Saturday, so I asked where he was staying and he said the Dorchester. But there was a small pause before he said it, a catch in his voice as if he had to think of a name, and I froze.
'I asked how he would get to my office and he said on the Tube. And that was it. We were doing a big deal for a film and I had a team of investigators on hand for that, so I asked them to run a check on these two. And on Friday a brown envelope arrived. And I turned the page, and turned another page, and with each one it got worse.
'The offices were rented, the Far East link lived in a one-bedroom flat in the worst part of the city, the Manchester guy was a small-time inventor, no more. They never arrived. And I have no idea why they did it, or how they did it. Maybe they thought they could secure the deal, then raise the funds. The problem was I wanted to believe. And I'll meet anyone if they sound straight.
'The deal's always going to be done in a week, isn't it? We had one guy who wanted to take over the club tied to marketing Everton in China. He gave us a Power Point presentation and I noticed all the players had Burnley shirts. I asked why. He said they had got really close to doing a deal for Burnley. So that was another one gone. I mean, if they couldn't get it done with Burnley...