There may be one or two exceptions he would not be in the least bit arsed about of course.
Which is exactly how I see it, I don't see we can lose
He really needs to know everyone is in the trenches with him again, particularly the manager and the club, he knows he fucked up this time, the club have told him he has, the fans have, but it is no excuse for the FA to take the piss.
Yeah we definitely can't lose. This whole thing is just one big massive win for the club.
That's how I'm viewing it too.
Yep, definitely. We've seen how that sort of pandering treatment has worked wonders in the past too.
He just seems to be getting better as a human week by week.
If only we could keep him away from situations where people might have arms, then he'll be 24 carat.
Don't be so fucking obtuse Ryan its not really that clever
We have seen how he appreciates loyalty he has been shown, in most quaters at least and has spoken of it many times
I am not worried what he is, as long as he produces thirty goals and stays with us as probably our only shot at having a world class player for some time.
So Ryan your not a fan of Suarez then eh?
What the fuck are you on about? I said nothing of the sort.
Besides Ross bleating on about Suarez's unique record - which ever player will have btw - the bit that doesn't sit right is this. Defoe bit Mascherano but the ref gave him a yellow. So the FA were powerless to do anything about unless it was in an exceptional circumstance. Obviously, by doing nothing the FA thus does not view biting as an exceptional circumstance. Which then begs the question - if the FA does not view biting as an exceptional circumstance then why has a 10 game applied to Suarez. What is so exceptional above and beyond violent conduct that it warrant more than 3 times the punishment. Apart from him being Suarez that is.
Great footballer, truly truly great footballer actually.
But he's a cock, and I don't think there's any disputing that either.
I don't like him, and I fail to see how anyone can really. Good judge of a footballer is how you'd view them if they played for someone else. Well I can safely say I'd think he's the biggest bellend in football if he played for anyone else.
It's not really my main gripe though. I find the excuse-making for him nauseating, and entirely predictable. It's always the same old bollocks; from shit like this to the complete overreaction to why we're not on first on match of the day or whatever. It's all quite embarrassing really.
I guess I'm a different sort of football supporter.
Can you point out the section of the rules that would have allowed the FA to punish Defoe?
It doesn't appear to exist
Mystic mentioned, and I don't know if it's true, that Thatcher was carded for his elbow on Mendes. Yet, he received an 8 match ban.
If the above is true - surely that shows there is a precedent for what Sunny is asking for.
Mystic mentioned, and I don't know if it's true, that Thatcher was carded for his elbow on Mendes. Yet, he received an 8 match ban.
If the above is true - surely that shows there is a precedent for what Sunny is asking for.
Ryan and Ross, the moral beacons, shining their righteousness through the murky masses of Neanderthal Liverpool supporters, noses lifted, chins raised. Continually ignoring the fact that almost everyone has said Suarez has acted like a tit, is not right in the head, have condemned his actions and deserved a ban. Yes you are a different kind of football supporter. One that doesn't get the idea you've been shafted and are happy to bend over the table and get a right royal humping. Go on, squeal like a pig boy.
There is no basis for it in the rules. It would be stupid to attempt such a thing unless the club and player would not appeal.
Which they knew in the Thatcher case wouldn't happen.
I find the excuse-making for him nauseating, and entirely predictable. It's always the same old bollocks; from shit like this to the complete overreaction to why we're not on first on match of the day or whatever. It's all quite embarrassing really.
It is true.
The 'rule' about not re refereeing is a Fifa edict that has led to an 'understanding' being reached between the Premiership, referees association & the FA.
They don't have to follow it, it just seems convenient that they can do when it suits.
No one's making excuses, that's just a convenient snipe for people like yourself and Rosco to use against posters criticising the Governing body. Most of us have said he's been a dickhead. Myself and enough others have reiterated time and time again when you've posted this throughout the thread, but as per you've chosen to overlook it and gone for the "paranoid, excuse making victims" route.
Read the posts.
The punishments served out over the years are inconsistent, I've given enough examples throughout this thread that no one has sought to really challenge - it's not a barometer of violence either. Suarez deserves heavy punishment, he also has a right like anyone does to support, something that hasn't really been forthcoming. Until the FA stop treating foreign players (or "problem" players) as hot potatoes, where it's too easy to lock them away and ignore the problem, the problems will continue to grow. Cultural differences, ignorance or whatever, they need to move into the 21st century and stop just protecting their own.
I find it interesting that LFC are keeping the written reasons closely guarded.