This is what's gonna happen. Based on sophisticated Moneyball data science and past tournament statistics.
The Lions will come running out of their cages at full speed, and for 15-20 mins, they will pounce on every lose ball, fight for every inch space, with the roar of Wembley behind them. Bloodthirsty, fearsome lions.
Ze Germans will soak up everything England throws at them, maybe escaping a couple of close shaves and a hit post.
The Mighty Lions grow tired. They look to their leader, the best of them, the one with the majestic lustrous mane and locks held together by an Alice band, the amazing Grealish. He picks up each ball and will try to drive through the centre of the German's defense, only to come up short of options each time, so he spreads play and use the flanks. And this is where the great Raheem will come into fore. He will try to outdribble even himself and attempt a few dives in the penalty box. All will be futile.
Eventually the lions run out of ideas because the Germans will soak all pressure up. And by the half hour mark, they will revert back to what they do best. Play clueless, sideways football for the next hour, and hope for the best. The once bloodthirsty lions have now resigned to being giant pussies. Tomorrow's headlines will be one of national mourning once again. Football has failed to come home. Again. Aww.