I wish Oman were in for us. They have a long thing with Britain and the US, and no one messes with them. You are right, Kuwait are not interested in owning a footy club.Thing about Middle Eastern sportswashers is that the good ones are mostly taken, no?
Who's left to parade us around like an expensive date?
Kuwait? Though I seem to recall reading something saying they're not interested.
Also there are strong reports on that private ownership from qatari/saudi consortium but I don't want LFC becoming a feeder club for the state owned Newcastle/PSG which is what it could become if the new owners are billionaires from those 2 nations. Imagine ....that Prince of Saudi....calling up the owner of LFC..."I want one of your players from LFC for Newcastle...", Abdullah the LFC owner cannot say no to the crown Prince otherwise he's gonna be in a body bag.