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Citeh make 'stratospheric offer' to Eto'o

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Its seems the arabs are buying their team and Mark Hughes buying his team.
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=34424.msg896654#msg896654 date=1246196599]
Yeah, but he's unproven at a top level Rebel, whereas Chelsea's managers werent, & the chavs took a while to get there even then.

No-one is saying Hughes wont do great things with them, we're just saying it's unlikely he will, & it certainly wont happen in the space of one summer.

when was avram grant proven at top level?
Blackburn and Chelsea have proven you can buy the league, it's not good for us.

especially with our owners in so much debt, heh, it's actually pretty shit.
[quote author=rebel23 link=topic=34424.msg896656#msg896656 date=1246196792]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=34424.msg896654#msg896654 date=1246196599]
Yeah, but he's unproven at a top level Rebel, whereas Chelsea's managers werent, & the chavs took a while to get there even then.

No-one is saying Hughes wont do great things with them, we're just saying it's unlikely he will, & it certainly wont happen in the space of one summer.

heh, using chelsea as a precedent is stupid. this is pretty unprecedented, City are richer than even Chelsea were, richer than Madrid. they will do more and quicker than them or at least try to.

Hughes is just a trainer, it really isnt a difficult job he has there to buy the best players he can get and play them in position.


I think you've been proven right to worry about Citeh, but it'll still take time AND the shit-load of money they're spending.

Unfortunately, your posts on this subject have all been along the lines of "Rafa's a genius if he can get us 4th place for the next 15 years as it means Champions League football."

Sorry, but for most people here thats not good enough.
[quote author=Avmenon link=topic=34424.msg896725#msg896725 date=1246204423]
[quote author=rebel23 link=topic=34424.msg896656#msg896656 date=1246196792]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=34424.msg896654#msg896654 date=1246196599]
Yeah, but he's unproven at a top level Rebel, whereas Chelsea's managers werent, & the chavs took a while to get there even then.

No-one is saying Hughes wont do great things with them, we're just saying it's unlikely he will, & it certainly wont happen in the space of one summer.

heh, using chelsea as a precedent is stupid. this is pretty unprecedented, City are richer than even Chelsea were, richer than Madrid. they will do more and quicker than them or at least try to.

Hughes is just a trainer, it really isnt a difficult job he has there to buy the best players he can get and play them in position.


I think you've been proven right to worry about Citeh, but it'll still take time AND the shit-load of money they're spending.

Unfortunately, your posts on this subject have all been along the lines of "Rafa's a genius if he can get us 4th place for the next 15 years as it means Champions League football."

Sorry, but for most people here thats not good enough.

heh, you're a moron.

I've been proven right on City all along and that's why I said i'll take top 3 now because I know City are going to spend 200 million to get there and Chelsea will spend another 50-80 million as well, plus they're handing out 150k/week contracts.

we cannot compete with that, just like Villa cannot compete with us, the danger is we become second tier and have to accept it. No one knows how it will play out.

We have a major asset in Benitez who can actually attract and keep good players regardless of whats going on around him (i.e he's built this team with Chelsea spending crazy amounts) despite people slagging his record in the transfer market so I think we can stay competitive but you have to accept that some things are beyond us and the situation might get worse over time i.e players leave us, we transition, Gerrard retires or we get some bad luck, meanwhile there's a new 300lb gorilla in Man City scooping up all the best players and flashing the cash.
i dont know why, but i think if they sign eto'o then tevez wont go there. ive got a feeling he is going to come to us
[quote author=rebel23 link=topic=34424.msg896728#msg896728 date=1246204682]
[quote author=Avmenon link=topic=34424.msg896725#msg896725 date=1246204423]
[quote author=rebel23 link=topic=34424.msg896656#msg896656 date=1246196792]
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=34424.msg896654#msg896654 date=1246196599]
Yeah, but he's unproven at a top level Rebel, whereas Chelsea's managers werent, & the chavs took a while to get there even then.

No-one is saying Hughes wont do great things with them, we're just saying it's unlikely he will, & it certainly wont happen in the space of one summer.

heh, using chelsea as a precedent is stupid. this is pretty unprecedented, City are richer than even Chelsea were, richer than Madrid. they will do more and quicker than them or at least try to.

Hughes is just a trainer, it really isnt a difficult job he has there to buy the best players he can get and play them in position.


I think you've been proven right to worry about Citeh, but it'll still take time AND the shit-load of money they're spending.

Unfortunately, your posts on this subject have all been along the lines of "Rafa's a genius if he can get us 4th place for the next 15 years as it means Champions League football."

Sorry, but for most people here thats not good enough.

heh, you're a moron.

I've been proven right on City all along and that's why I said i'll take top 3 now because I know City are going to spend 200 million to get there and Chelsea will spend another 50-80 million as well, plus they're handing out 150k/week contracts.

we cannot compete with that, just like Villa cannot compete with us, the danger is we become second tier and have to accept it. No one knows how it will play out.

We have a major asset in Benitez who can actually attract and keep good players regardless of whats going on around him (i.e he's built this team with Chelsea spending crazy amounts) despite people slagging his record in the transfer market so I think we can stay competitive but you have to accept that some things are beyond us and the situation might get worse over time i.e players leave us, we transition, Gerrard retires or we get some bad luck, meanwhile there's a new 300lb gorilla in Man City scooping up all the best players and flashing the cash.


Thanks for proving me right,muppet.
Heh, what's this proven right bullshit?

Everyone knew / knows City will get there eventually - whether it's next year or in five years... what difference will it ultimately make? What is the point in making post after post after post worrying about it?

What are we as fans supposed to do about it? Start scouring BBC, Sky, NewsNow and whatever other sites for the latest City news just so we can continue to cower in the corner in fear?

That's what rebel has been doing for the past year. I don't see the point in the doom mongering personally. It's happened, they're buying players up and we'll just have to see it where it goes... deal with it then.
[quote author=keniget link=topic=34424.msg896732#msg896732 date=1246204948]

What are we as fans supposed to do about it? Start scouring BBC, Sky, NewsNow and whatever other sites for the latest City news just so we can continue to cower in the corner in fear?

That's what rebel has been doing for the past year. I don't see the point in the doom mongering personally. It's happened, they're buying players up and we'll just have to see it where it goes... deal with it then.

we were talking about expectations and I said i'd take top 3 because nobody knows how all this city crap will play out.
It's not about expectations. It's about doom mongering and as I've said, that's what you've been doing for the past year.

You've been going on and on and on about this City thing, posting every article you can find and stating at every turn that we should be so lucky to even finish fourth.

We both know City will get there sooner rather than later, but you're acting as if they already made it - we finished 36 points ahead of them last season and even with all the players they're going to buy it's they who should be so lucky to finish fourth next season, not us.
[quote author=keniget link=topic=34424.msg896740#msg896740 date=1246205349]
It's not about expectations. It's about doom mongering and as I've said, that's what you've been doing for the past year.

You've been going on and on and on about this City thing, posting every article you can find and stating at every turn that we should be so lucky to even finish fourth.

We both know City will get there sooner rather than later, but you're acting as if they already made it - we finished 36 points ahead of them last season and even with all the players they're going to buy it's they who should be so lucky to finish fourth next season, not us.


show me where i've said that?
[quote author=rebel23 link=topic=34424.msg896728#msg896728 date=1246204682]
heh, you're a moron.

Hello Pot Calling, is the kettle there

He is great, tell him he's black!
I can't be bothered to trawl through posts. There is a long thread where you went up against Sheik and some others stating that you'd take a top 4 finish if it was offered every time. Your last post in this very thread reaffirmed that stance.

Why would someone take that sort of deal unless they were very worried about finishing in the top four? They wouldn't and you are.

Is that proof enough for you?
[quote author=keniget link=topic=34424.msg896744#msg896744 date=1246205584]
I can't be bothered to trawl through posts. There is a long thread where you went up against Sheik and some others stating that you'd take a top 4 finish if it was offered every time. Your last post in this very thread reaffirmed that stance.

Why would someone take that sort of deal unless they were very worried about finishing in the top four? They wouldn't and you are.

Is that proof enough for you?

I said i'd take a top 3 (THREE) finish, so you're lying. nice.
[quote author=keniget link=topic=34424.msg896744#msg896744 date=1246205584]
I can't be bothered to trawl through posts. There is a long thread where you went up against Sheik and some others stating that you'd take a top 4 finish if it was offered every time. Your last post in this very thread reaffirmed that stance.

Why would someone take that sort of deal unless they were very worried about finishing in the top four? They wouldn't and you are.

Is that proof enough for you?

Think it was one of the Benitez threads.
Haha, that's the best you got?

In the last thread, I'm pretty sure you said CL qualification, but whatever, like I said I can't be bothered to go back and check.

Top 3 instead of top 4. What's the fucking difference?

The point is, which you've once again dodged (don't you get tired of doing that shit every time you get shown up?) is that you're doom mongering. Wear it.
[quote author=keniget link=topic=34424.msg896747#msg896747 date=1246205748]
Haha, that's the best you got?

In the last thread, I'm pretty sure you said CL qualification, but whatever, like I said I can't be bothered to go back and check.

Top 3 instead of top 4. What's the fucking difference?

The point is, which you've once again dodged (don't you get tired of doing that shit every time you get shown up?) is that you're doom mongering. Wear it.

the best I got?

you accused me of saying i'd take a top 4 finish when i've never said such a thing, i've said top 3. incase you didnt know the difference is one place and a qualifer for the Champions league, that's the fucking difference. now, will you apologise for misquoting and lying about what I said?
This isn't a court of law, so fuck off.

Your MO is to basically say something outlandish and argue it to the death. If that fails and you get shown up (see this thread), you will pick on a petty point and argue that instead.

The rest of us acknowledge that City are a major threat and are just waiting it out. You however are choosing to cry about it like a bitch before that threat has genuinely materialised.

Let's just leave it at that.
Top 3, top 4, blah blah blah. The point of professional football is to win trophies. Why would any supporter of a club who are already established as one of the three or four best sides in Europe 'accept' the idea of going on indefinitely at a similar level without actually winning anything? It's nonsense.

It's also not necessarily the case that City 'will get there eventually': their owners could fuck off or go bust or get arrested or anything. Five years ago we all thought Chelsea would win the league for the next decade without anyone getting near them - yet United have won the last three in a row. Football's a weird game and an extremely volatile industry, so it would be silly to make any long-term predictions at all.
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