There were thousands brother, hundreds of people don't register a noise in that stadium. I would guess a few dozen pockets of hundreds, and the tv muted the sound as it was an embarassment.I know some of the cunts chanted other disgusting things. But I strongly doubt it was a majority.
Real.Who do yiz fancy if it goes to pens?
I remain unconvinced . Muted tv or not, more would have been made of it by the FA if it was larger numbers.
Fair enough brother, but I still reckon it was under 200.Bull shit. What are the FA going to do? They don't give a fuck, it doesn't affect them. If it was Eng-er-land in the WC then they would I betcha. Top and bottom, the only reason there was a silence in that game was cos the FA refused to swap it away from The Lying Rag night kick off, citing Hillsborough as one if the key reasons. There won't be a silence next year, and I bet there want one last year, or the ten years b4 that.
All square, in Extra time.
4 mins left.