I'd like to believe your cock... I really wouldRelax motherfuckers. We got this.
I'd like to believe your cock... I really wouldRelax motherfuckers. We got this.
It was poor but Clyne is the one responsible.
Meet the new manager, same as the old manager.
Its concerningI really dislike this weird midfield that Klopp has started setting up.
*punch*Meet the new manager, same as the old manager.
I also Bitterly dislike firmino playing off a striker
Corners are getting better. That was cleared by the 2nd man
Clyne was under pressure the moment he receive the ball. Slow cross field passes allows the other team to press you immediately. Should never play those kind of passes at the back.
Have either Firmino or Wijnaldum made one successful pass yet?
Come on now. Let's not bicker over thisOr henderson?
Same old shit. Beat one of the big boys, struggle against shite the week after.
Yup. So far it's been very very poorKlopp has made a big mistake the way he's shoehorning this attack. Our best attacker is on the bench, again.