Need a map that has the EC numbers on each state plus the colour it's turned otherwise just looks like lots of red and blue which doesn't give the actual picture.
Its impossible to tell yet given the amount of votes that havent been counted yet.
Listening to Trumps speech now, and he's basically saying he has won the election and that they will be going to the supreme court regarding the postal votes that havent been counted.
A fraud on our nation he called it. Cant fucking stand 4 years with this man in charge.
That gathering in the White House looked like the least Covid-19 friendly arrangement you could possibly have.
Need a map that has the EC numbers on each state plus the colour it's turned otherwise just looks like lots of red and blue which doesn't give the actual picture.
Anyways looks like Trump is again doing better than expected having captured likes of Texas and Florida.
Better the devil you know I suppose
Hahahaha I wish I had more empathy to imagine how you feel in order to experience it fully.
You have to win first though..
Texas flips in 1-3 elections imo...
Yup, should have just meant Florida.. more that Texas it's a chunky amount of electoral votes.
Trump's declared victory... Would be called a coup elsewhere
He'll win even if all of the postal votes are counted so not sure in the logic in inciting outcry by claiming votes after polls close don't count. There were some close run states but Trump came through in all that mattered. Only GA looks like it might have any influence late in the day and still probably not enough.