Some were BLM/ Antifa although they're covered by your comment tooI think it's safe to say that a lot of the people involved were mentalists and/or spastics.
Some were BLM/ Antifa although they're covered by your comment tooI think it's safe to say that a lot of the people involved were mentalists and/or spastics.
Some were BLM/ Antifa although they're covered by your comment too
It's convenient that they have the riot to cover so they can ignore the prosecution of the guy who hacked the election and changed the results to ensure Biden won.
Oh come on. I love a conspiracy as much as the next person but are you suggesting the whole thing was staged? What about the woman that was killed? Or did they just let it happen?
Anyway, Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter
That story might be.
To no-ones surprise- it’s claptrap made up by right wing conspiracy theorists - Italy have them too.
That story might be.
But Arturo D'Elia being arrested and charged isn't made up.
Not staged. But allowed to happen, the level of security was ludicrous when it was known there was going to be a protest.
And there's an actual prosecution in Italy for US election interference that's not getting reported because of the distraction.
The purging of anyone supportive of Trump from social media is just more of the cover up.
I think that clip of the one officer faced with dozens of loons - probably carrying guns - running away from them is how all decent minded would people would act. What was he meant to do? Shoot one or two of them and get shot/beaten to death by the rest of them?
Yeah, the security was lacklustre, but that doesn't necessarily point to some grand conspiracy. Trump is doing enough to discredit himself without the need to stage false flag events or to allow certain things to happen that would paint him in a negative light or offer a distraction.
You literally disagreed with me when I told you violence was coming. Now for the purposes of blaming trump for the violence, you're speaking as though the violence was always foreseeable. It's becoming comedic how manipulatable you are.
This is it?
I'm a little underwhelmed. Like, I appreciate I'm not a solid legal intellectual like yourself and Dante, heck I didn't know what an affidavit was til you told me about it.
but this is just a bit of paper with some words on it, it's not even on letter headed paper, don't lawyers in Italy have letter headed paper?
I'd imagine if it's an official legal doc it needs some kinda reference number to the case in question, or some kinda stamp or something.
Do Italians normally produce their legal docs in English?
is it in English cos it needs to be viewed by the English speaking alt media?
Don't they have top lawyers in Rome? or do they need blokes to travel from Sicily to Rome to deal with this kinda top level stuff.
Who is the high level army security services official? is this his statement or the statement of Arturo D'elia?
And this is it? appreciate the solarwind issue that was highlighted but I'd imagined at least that it would be more than one guy approached by US personnel.
I'm glad he's got the originals though. Obviously if he's killed in the next few days then it won't matter I suppose.,+Catania+CT,+Italy/@37.5023595,15.0833149,3a,75y,52.96h,89.59t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKHatAPrryrbBpMeLd2oU2g!2e0!6s//!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x1313e328e1a39cd3:0x80626eca69790bc2!2sVia+Vittorio+Emanuele+II,+Catania+CT,+Italy!3b1!8m2!3d37.5023288!4d15.0829987!3m4!1s0x1313e328e1a39cd3:0x80626eca69790bc2!8m2!3d37.5023288!4d15.0829987
Google street of the address, the paper doesn't have a building number on it but that place doesn't look like the kinda place a top lawyer might have his office.
Another edit...
This guy is better at googling than me.
You were showing some graphs about the increase in purchasing guns.
This is it?
I'm a little underwhelmed. Like, I appreciate I'm not a solid legal intellectual like yourself and Dante, heck I didn't know what an affidavit was til you told me about it.
but this is just a bit of paper with some words on it, it's not even on letter headed paper, don't lawyers in Italy have letter headed paper?
I'd imagine if it's an official legal doc it needs some kinda reference number to the case in question, or some kinda stamp or something.
Do Italians normally produce their legal docs in English?
is it in English cos it needs to be viewed by the English speaking alt media?
Don't they have top lawyers in Rome? or do they need blokes to travel from Sicily to Rome to deal with this kinda top level stuff.
Who is the high level army security services official? is this his statement or the statement of Arturo D'elia?
Now that Twitter has banned him, The Donald is free to chill with us on this forum, surely?
Well you've been correct on all the legal stuff so I reckon we should believe you