Pretty sure it was a Trump supporter that just blew up Nashville. It has begun.
So seemingly not a Trump supporter considering he doesn't seem to have any political connections/affiliations and isn't a member of any Far Right group.Pretty sure it was a Trump supporter that just blew up Nashville. It has begun.
So seemingly not a Trump supporter considering he doesn't seem to have any political connections/affiliations and isn't a member of any Far Right group.
Yep.. that was pretty much confirmed.It looks like he targeted the offices of AT&T, so likely a QAnon/5G nutjob type. So yea plenty in common with the Trump nutjobs.
That would be an impressive achievement by Trump - there can’t be many Presidents that have turned a “landslide” (his words, I believe)!l Presidential win with control of both the Senate and House of Representatives into a “landslide” defeat and losing control of both the House & Senate - all within 4 years!!!!
What a champion - he’s even taken to having his own GOP controlled Senate over-rule him - must have been the delightful taste of losing all those court cases - seems have developed quite the taste for losing.
Isn’t he supposed to be heading to Georgia today, for one final push, to see if he can help get the Democrat candidates over the line?
The stupid fucker would end up in Tbilisi.
Leading Trump/QAnnon supporting lawyer Lin Wood is now claiming Supreme Court Justice John Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein. He's also claiming Jeffrey Epstein is alive.
Which will all prove pointless - if delaying the inevitable by a full 2 hours (the maximum time given for both houses to consider an objection and vote on it). And since the Democrats control the House the outcome is now a given (because both House and Senate need to agree otherwise the 'objection' loses). Never mind the Republicans who won't support such idiocy.Yes it's all fun and games and ha ha ha. At least until wednesday in the capital, where Big D has innocently and expertly managed to incite some severe violence to take place.
Yes it's all fun and games and ha ha ha. At least until wednesday in the capital, where Big D has innocently and expertly managed to incite some severe violence to take place.
Which will all prove pointless - if delaying the inevitable by a full 2 hours (the maximum time given for both houses to consider an objection and vote on it). And since the Democrats control the House the outcome is now a given (because both House and Senate need to agree otherwise the 'objection' loses). Never mind the Republicans who won't support such idiocy.
Yes... I think starting a riot will resonate well the the party of law and order faithful.
You just need to take a look at the Senators involved to see what’s really going on.
Ted Cruz will be there proclaiming Jesus loves Texas, Trump and semi-automatic weapons.
Mind you..., I think Cruz might be building up for a bit of righteous vengeance on Trump after what Big D did to him during his speech at the GOP convention when Big D was confirmed as the GOP’s Presidential nominee for the ‘16 Presidential race.
So fucking what? Must be some kind of black preacher humor. Unfortunately “conservatives” are entirely humorless and ready to lose their shit at anything they consider culture war faux pas.
Meanwhile we’re losing a 9/11 worth of people every day, economy is in tatters, vaccine distribution is getting botched, Russia has hacked the entire US government and the President is a raging treasonous lunatic.
It wasn't any kind of humour, it was serious.
I’ve been to a few African-American churches; believe me the pastors like to get “creative” with words. Give me that any day over the crazy shit pro-Trump preachers say.