Whilst you are correct in most of your post, unfortunately it's not an ever-decreasing bunch of 50 year old bald men... that are singing those songs. Luckily it is a minority, but a younger generation are also singing them. I remember watching an England vs Germany match in the world cup in 2010 at the local pub, it was fucking terrible the singing from the younger generation, and that was just at a pub.
I don't think "anti-German" sentiment is on the increase. And what have the IRA got to do with Germany? They were singing that, too. Like it was 1978 or soemthing.
But people talk shite in pubs and at football matches all the time. And England fans are often from that small-time lower sphere of football supporters. Hardly a menacing hooligan threat though. The media reporting seemed to be a load of hand-wringing about stupid WW2 songs.
Like they've never heard those before. Like England fans having quite a few thick bellends supporting them is anything new.