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I think he will do well this season, not a bad option to have..Rafa think the same.

Rafa Benitez believes Andriy Voronin could have a big role to play in Liverpool's title push next season.

The Ukraine international, who spent last term on loan at Hertha Berlin, has told the boss he wants to fight for his position at Anfield in 2009-10.

And though Benitez has made no guarantees about first-team football, the gaffer thinks Voronin could fill an important void in his squad.

He told Liverpoolfc.tv: "Voronin is doing really well in training. The last pre-season he was good, then he played really, really well in Germany and now he is showing he has the game intelligence we are looking for.

"It is good to have him back. When we signed him we were looking for a player who could play between the lines as a second striker with quality.

"He told me he wants to stay and fight for his position. I told him it will be difficult with Torres and Gerrard playing together. He realises this but knows we have 60 games a year and wants to fight for his position."

Voronin scored 11 goals and provided nine assists in 26 appearances for the Bundesliga outfit.

Benitez added: "In this moment he's a Liverpool player and it depends on him. If he works hard and plays well he will have a chance."

Meanwhile, the manager has revealed how much he is enjoying preparing for 2009-10.

"Pre-season is the easiest time for a manager because you don't need to decide the 11 starters," he explained. "Everyone works really hard and you don't have any problems.

"Always during pre-season and in a training camp you are working on the relationship between the players - they need to know each other, that's important.

"The other thing is the fitness. You're also looking at the players tactically and technically, so there are a lot of things to work on."

So come on everyone, get behind the ponytailed one.
I don't have much belief in the guy, but he does take too much abuse; he's a tidy attacker with a good touch and reasonable link-up play, but often lacking the anticipation to get in good goal-scoring positions.

Hopefully he can take his chances when given to him and put some goals away.

I reckon he'll contract swine-flu and blame the NHS, though.
[quote author=Spionkop69 link=topic=34768.msg907603#msg907603 date=1247854907]

Pah! Take note of Squiggles post.
Classic PR from Rafa, not sure it will work though but the boss has no choice but to do what he is doing.

We all know he was ready to be shipped at the 1st sign of a half decent offer. It didnt arrive and Rafa knows he is not a crowd favourite so he is trying his best to cool the hostility towards him by bigging him up in pre-season.

But if that offer comes in, Rafa will break his arm pushing him out the door :-* ta-ra chuck !
[quote author=Foxwold link=topic=34768.msg907632#msg907632 date=1247858225]
Games, even. Damn predictive text on sinner.

hahaha, I thought we'd signed someone with no hands then. That'd be funny. I suppose you could actually have a professional footballer with no hands. Someone else'd have dress them though. It'd prob be one of a few jobs a no handed person could do professionally.
I have alot of belief in Voronin, because he can clearly score goals, has good awareness and nice touch. As a free, third or fourth option, who'll chip in with a few crucial goals, what else can we ask for really?

The big issues here are his attitude which has come under question and from reading that article, it sounds as though Rafa wanted rid but is stuck with a player determined to pick up his pay/fight for a place.
[quote author=mark1975 link=topic=34768.msg907647#msg907647 date=1247859349]
I have alot of belief in Voronin, because he can clearly score goals, has good awareness and nice touch. As a free, third or fourth option, who'll chip in with a few crucial goals, what else can we ask for really?

The big issues here are his attitude which has come under question and from reading that article, it sounds as though Rafa wanted rid but is stuck with a player determined to pick up his pay/fight for a place.
[/quote] How much is he on a week mark, any idea?
[quote author=FoxForceFive link=topic=34768.msg907641#msg907641 date=1247859096]
[quote author=Foxwold link=topic=34768.msg907632#msg907632 date=1247858225]
Games, even. Damn predictive text on sinner.

hahaha, I thought we'd signed someone with no hands then. That'd be funny. I suppose you could actually have a professional footballer with no hands. Someone else'd have dress them though. It'd prob be one of a few jobs a no handed person could do professionally.

There was a bloke with a shortened arm (thalidomide) that played for Bohemians in the league of Ireland going back a few seasons. He could well be still playing. He was pretty decent too. I think his name was Bobby Ryan if memory serves me right..
[quote author=mark1975 link=topic=34768.msg907647#msg907647 date=1247859349]
I have alot of belief in Voronin, because he can clearly score goals, has good awareness and nice touch. As a free, third or fourth option, who'll chip in with a few crucial goals, what else can we ask for really?

The big issues here are his attitude which has come under question and from reading that article, it sounds as though Rafa wanted rid but is stuck with a player determined to pick up his pay/fight for a place.

Absolutely no shame on my part for saying that as a different option up front - if I could swap Voronin for one of the following, then I would;

Jermaine Defoe
Tuncay Sanli
Kevin Davies
John Carew
Kenwyne Jones
Kevin Doyle
Johan Elmander
Roman Pavylechenko

Not sure I'd stretch to Cisse though 😉
You would have thought after his goal scoring spree in Germany last season, more (German) clubs would be after him. Bet his missus is delighted to be back in England.
[quote author=Paddy link=topic=34768.msg907693#msg907693 date=1247860922]
Remove Kevin Davies from that list. Please.

I would die if that cunt joined the club.
Ha ;D He was put in there on purpose to emphasis the point :-X And I am serious, I would find him a more palatable option than Voronin because Voronin is part of our plan A and generally ineffective, whereas Davies is a cruder type of player but a plan B that may be needed 2 or 3 times a season (not exactly over the moon with that type of play but when needs must)
[quote author=Rory Fitzgerald link=topic=34768.msg907719#msg907719 date=1247862429]
[quote author=Paddy link=topic=34768.msg907693#msg907693 date=1247860922]
Remove Kevin Davies from that list. Please.

I would die if that cunt joined the club.
Ha ;D He was put in there on purpose to emphasis the point :-X And I am serious, I would find him a more palatable option than Voronin because Voronin is part of our plan A and generally ineffective, whereas Davies is a cruder type of player but a plan B that may be needed 2 or 3 times a season (not exactly over the moon with that type of play but when needs must)

I don't see how elbowing people in the face would have helped us beat Stoke and the like last season... 😉
[quote author=FPI Project link=topic=34768.msg907654#msg907654 date=1247859667]
[quote author=mark1975 link=topic=34768.msg907647#msg907647 date=1247859349]
I have alot of belief in Voronin, because he can clearly score goals, has good awareness and nice touch. As a free, third or fourth option, who'll chip in with a few crucial goals, what else can we ask for really?

The big issues here are his attitude which has come under question and from reading that article, it sounds as though Rafa wanted rid but is stuck with a player determined to pick up his pay/fight for a place.
[/quote] How much is he on a week mark, any idea?

No idea mate, I guess with him arriving on a free though he's on a fairly substantial amount...
[quote author=Spudgun link=topic=34768.msg907685#msg907685 date=1247860679]
You would have thought after his goal scoring spree in Germany last season, more (German) clubs would be after him. Bet his missus is delighted to be back in England.

You certainly would have thought that, and it must be significant that they weren't.  So much for attempts on here to dress up the unfortunate truth, which is that nobody - not the player, not Rafa or most of the fans, and definitely not Mrs.Crow - wanted to be in this position and all concerned are now having to make the best of it. 

Voronin is a neat, intelligent player but he is just not good enough for the level we want to be at.  He may get the odd goal here and there, but I'll be amazed if any of them come against top teams and/or in important games.
i'd rather continue to develop n'gog and bring one of the kids through than give this fat pony tailed waste of space any more pitch time.

we couldn't give him away so no idea why anyone is deluding themselves about him being good enough
Voronin is far better than most on here think. He's a very "intelligent player" with a decent enough scoring record to be playing for a premiership club. His lack of pace means he's not an option to play in Torres position but he's certainly good enough to play in behind him against some opposition. He's invariably done ok when called to do so and often looks pretty classy against lesser opposition.

Of course, I'd prefer some young starlet to be pushing Torres, but have no problem with Voronin being part of our wider squad of players. A year or so ago most on here were bemoaning Benayoun as not good enough and as a waste of space in the squad and he's since proved his worth to us as a real squad asset. We need squad players with experience for a long season and simply can't expect them to be of a similar calibre to our superstar first-teamers.

Voronin is happy to sit on the bench and contribute when needed. Better players (unless very young and unproven) are very rarely prepared to do so.
I'll be delighted if your opening judgment turns out to be proven right, but I'll also be amazed.

Some of the more lurid contributors (and past contributors) on here may have described Benayoun in terms similar to those they used about Voronin, but I don't recall many making that mistake.  Yossi has always had a good deal more in his locker.

It's true that we can't expect stand-ins to be of equivalent ability to first choices, but we do need them to be above a certain minimum standard.  I don't think Voronin passes that test and, what's more, I doubt Rafa would have tried to get rid if he thought so. It's not just a majority of forumites who don't rate him.
Even though Rafa's specifically named Stevie as one of our strikers? Er, I don't think so. Besides, I'd sooner see Pacheco, N'Gog or Nemeth in the side - we need to blood them, and they're better players anyway.
[quote author=Judge Jules link=topic=34768.msg907928#msg907928 date=1247920256]
Even though Rafa's specifically named Stevie as one of our strikers? Er, I don't think so. Besides, I'd sooner see Pacheco, N'Gog or Nemeth in the side - we need to blood them, and they're better players anyway.

putting the gerrard positional debate aside, voronin is currently better than all those youngsters you mention.
[quote author=Judge Jules link=topic=34768.msg907931#msg907931 date=1247920388]
There is no such "debate", mate, Rafa's settled it. Let's agree to differ about the youngsters.

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