For those who can't see this it's a girl throwing puppies into a river, and she's having fun doing it.
This video has started a manhunt ("womanhunt"😉. Seems like geeks all over the world are looking for this crazy chick.
Drowning puppies isn't exactly something new, I mean sure there are more humane ("animane"😉 ways to kill animals but some people are going overboard regarding this girl.
I really don't have any affection towards domesticated animals, I kinda distance myself from them so I didn't feel anything when I watched this.
For those who can't see this it's a girl throwing puppies into a river, and she's having fun doing it.
This video has started a manhunt ("womanhunt"😉. Seems like geeks all over the world are looking for this crazy chick.
Drowning puppies isn't exactly something new, I mean sure there are more humane ("animane"😉 ways to kill animals but some people are going overboard regarding this girl.
I really don't have any affection towards domesticated animals, I kinda distance myself from them so I didn't feel anything when I watched this.