Ok. The envelopes ok.
Like i said, passion, heart, the support-hers and us. Thats all that matters, passion, heart, work rate, support-hers, us, the envelopes, they will see us rewarded.
Just one envelope. You Mart-hin you are the only name ok. Just you, i havnt seen the passion, that pride ok, work, and heart, for the support-hers ok.
So just one, mart-hin. And another one for Nuri. God wasnt he a waste of space. No heart, passion for the support-hers. So two ok. Mart-hin and Nuri. Ok. And Joe. Ok. Joe cole, not Joe Al-hen. No Cole. Just Martin and Nuri and Joe. So three. Three envelopes. White. Folded. Licked shut ok. With an emblem of the liver bird in the top corn-her ok. For the fans. And us. And the board. And this great club. ok.
Good. Good work today. Heart. Passion. Ok.