I'm sure the BBC turn the crowd sound down to minimise the drown. It is considerably quieter than the ITV games.
The BBC is considering offering a 'red button service' in a bid to appease complaints surrounding the sound of the vuvuzela.
The noise of the plastic horn has become a hotly-debated issue since the start of the World Cup in South Africa last Friday.
On Tuesday morning the BBC confirmed it has received 545 complaints from viewers who find the continual sound of the vuvuzela distracting during matches.
The Corporation has now confirmed it is investigating several options, including stripping out most sound except commentary when showing the games on its red button service.
A BBC spokeswoman said: "Using the red button service is only one of the options that we're considering. A decision will be made later in the week."
World Cup bosses have confirmed the horns will not be banned in South Africa, saying they reflect "the sound of Africa".