Mwah x
RE: spitting in general, I also spit nearly every time I go for a piss, but that's because I smoke rollies with no filters and my mouth/throat seem to be constantly harbouring brown tarry unpleasantness that needs getting rid of.
Unlike most of the kids I teach, I'm not a fan of just hocking it up and gobbing it here there and everywhere.
It's kinda weird, because when I went to Beijing there was this distinct attitude towards the blokes (and women equally, actually) who spat in the street, of "Christ, look at these fucking country hicks, come from the provinces and just spitting in the street" - but it made me think "Fuck, that's pretty much all of the kinda 14-25 generation in the UK"
Is it just me, is it just where I'm at, or does everyone notice kids spitting everywhere?