We really need a couple of full backs don't we? Flanno and Enrique are just about capable, but the rest are Championship standard and then there's Glen fucking Johnson.
You only just noticed ; )
If we are being brutally honest we don't have any top 4 standard full backs, as you say Flanno and Enrique are just about capable, Enrique in good form is more than ok, he can do a solid job but we desperately need some quality in those positions and who knows how well Enrique has really recovered?, we are in critical condition there and have been for quite some time.
Kelly doesn't even count anymore does he? would be great if he could somehow turn into the player we all hoped he would but realistically the chances of that are slim to none.
Johnson, he's gone, simply cannot be relied upon anymore, he's a liability and it fucking pains me to think this brainless dopey sack of shit will be playing games for us next season.
Even though first impressions of Moreno were not positive ones i hope we get him now, out of desperation more than anything else, time is running out, we need to do something about the situation because it will cost us next season, no ifs or buts about it, it's a such an obvious weak point for other managers/teams to exploit, they were doing it last season and will continue to do so, still can't forget how funny it was (in a tragic way) that in some games last season nearly everything was down Johnsons side whilst Flanno mainly got left alone.