Talk to Tony.................

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Tony Barrett web chat.

So after one victory, Liverpool manager Rodgers thinks it's okay to have a go at his critics and forget about being humble? Or is this surely the voice of a broken man who knows he's a gonner?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:02

Tony Barrett:
Afternoon Mike,
I have no problem with managers saying what they think, although I do think Rodgers would have been better waiting for a winning run before going on the offensive rather than doing it after a 3-2 win over Aston Villa.
It suggested to me that he is feeling the pressure, which he is entitled to do, and I also got the impression that he was trying to create a siege mentality. When you do that, though, you have to win your next big game or else your critics will just up the ante so it ws a big gamble/mad risk considering Liverpool's next big game is the Merseyside derby.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:04

Comment From Shaun
"If you give me the tools, I’ll do the work.” A poor worker always blames his tools, after spending close to £300m during his reign, after spending £32.5m on Benteke, he still relies on Sturridge to get him out of a mess! I like many have had enough of Rodgers, fans are on his back over relegation form over the 15 games prior to Villa win. Just because there are former players in the media, doesn't mean they have to back you unconditionally. Souness & Carragher didn't suffer fools lightly in their playing days, why should they spare the current manager of criticism when they see him doing things wrong? Klopp's agent is dangling him in front of FSG, he fits their preferred head coach model , I really can't see how FSG can resist much longer
Monday September 28, 2015 12:05

Tony Barrett:
Hello Shaun,
I think that comment/question is longer than my match report from Saturday, which isn't saying a great deal admittedly. I'll take Rodgers first. I agree that he has to take criticism. It goes with the territory, the salary and the profile. It wasn't so long ago that the critics were hailing him a tactical genius so if they've now gone the other way he has to accept it. Where I do have some sympathy with him is I think the scrutiny Liverpool are constantly under is extraordinary and when things are going badly he must feel like he's under attack.
On Klopp, if Liverpool do decide to make a change then they should talk to him at the very, very least. John W Henry was an admirer of his when he first took over Liverpool but the suggestions are that they wouldn't pursue him if Rodgers does go. I can't work that one out and it smacks of arrogance. If a double Bundesliga manager is willing to talk to a club which has finished outside the top four in five of the last six seasons then they have a duty to hear what he has to say. It's not as if Liverpool will have their pick of elite managers..
Monday September 28, 2015 12:10

Comment From Pam Nash
Hi Tony, thanks for the webchat. If there was a time for Rodgers to congratualte his players and then shut up, this weekend was it. But no he, as usual, had verbal diarrhoea and instead of being about a match well won by Liverpool the focus is all on Rodgers. It's lunacy, is there no-one at Liverpool to advise him on PR?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:12

Tony Barrett:
Hello Pam.
When it comes down to it, managers can be given the best PR advice going but if there's something they want to get off their chest they tend to take no notice. I've seen it countless times. I agree with you though, Rodgers would have been much better enjoying he victory, praising the players who made it possible and keeping the spotlight off himself.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:14

Comment From Hugh F
Hello, Tony. Even though Liverpool defeated Aston Villa 3-2 two days ago, it wasn't an absolute convincing victory in a broader context when it could've prevail by at least two goals rather than one goal. So, it doesn't look like Brendan Rodgers is totally safe at this moment. Personally, with constant rumors of his job status, I think the key date is October 4th, because the baseball regular season ends for the Boston Red Sox (FSG owns the baseball club), thus freeing up time for John H. Henry in reevaluating Rodgers and maybe the football club afterwards - at least in logical theory. Is it a fair analysis or observation?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:17

Tony Barrett:
The point about the baseball season is a good one Hugh (it's also one that I hadn't considered). The last thing an under pressure manager needs is owners with additional time on their hands.
I don't think John W Henry is the pivotal figure in this that he once was though. Of everyone at FSG, Mike Gordon's influence is now strongest and he's been playing a hands on role for some time.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:18

Comment From Tom
Hi Tony, thanks for doing this Webchat. Is there truth to the rumors that Rodgers is being protected by Ian Ayre and Mike Gordon? I can't believe that JWH and Werner would be stopped from ending someones contract if they really wanted them out.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:19

Tony Barrett:
I don't think that's accurate Tom. At any stage, owners and executives will hold different views but there's nothing to suggest there's any kind of split.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:20

Comment From simon k
Tony, is Hysteria, playing a weakened team against Madrid, thus marginalising the players that got you into that competition, not qualifying from a poor CL group, losing 3 of your best players in two seasons, losing 6-1 to Stoke, and blowing the best part of £300 million? Oh, and not having a keeper fit for purpose? And letting your captain walk out of the door?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:21

Tony Barrett:
Hello Simon,
I'm not sure that's hysteria but I take your point. I look at it very simply (it's the only way of which I'm capable) - if Liverpool aren't playing well and results are poor, then heightened scrutiny is absolutely inevitable. The manager, whoever he may be, has to accept that because it goes hand in hand with being manager of one of the world's biggest and most newsworthy clubs. It's also one of the reasons why they get paid millions of Pounds for doing the job.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:24

Comment From Simon
Hi Tony. Instead of blaming Rodgers, don't Liverpool fans need to accept they are where they are due to decades of mismanagement at board level? Be it the stadium, training ground or commercial expansion, Liverpool sat on their arse for years and are now stuck in permanent decline. They've the squad, infrastructure to finish fifth or sixth and that's what they'll likely do.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:24

Tony Barrett:
Hello Simon,
I wrote something on this very subject last week, For all the criticism that Rodgers has been getting, much of it justified, Liverpool as a club are not creating the conditions for success. They don't sign elite players and they allow the ones they have to leave. They prioritize potential over experience and then wonder why they have no leaders. You could go on and on. At some point, the penny will drop and there'll be a realization that the whole club is struggling to be the best that it can be and it's not just down to the manager.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:27

Comment From Jimy
If Liverpool beat Everton and find themselves top 5 or so - is Rodgers seriously in any danger after 8 games?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:27

Tony Barrett:
This is another area where I find myself having sympathy with Rodgers. Everyone is viewing the derby as the game that could prove the final straw for him (a not unreasonable position given the way Liverpool have been playing) but what if Liverpool win? Would that mean the pressure he came under was premature and excessive? I'm not sure it would but it would give him the opportunity to denounce those who called for his head, which given what he said after the Villa game, he'd probably take.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:30

Comment From Gaf
Should FSG revise their expectations. You invest into young promising players and a up and coming manager. Both are inexperienced and inconsistent. How can you expect consistent performance that guarantees CL and a title challenge?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:39

Tony Barrett:
I agree with that to an extent Gaf, but I don't think Liverpool can afford to lower their expectations to the point where success and top four finishes are not demanded. Once that happens the game really will be up.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:40

Comment From Gaf
If you were FSG, what would you do with Rodgers?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:40

Tony Barrett:
I'd see what happens in the derby against Everton and then look at things if necessary. Luckily for Liverpool, I'm not a multi-millionaire with a hedge fund so they don't need to take my views into account.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:42

Comment From Ray
How do you think Rodger's comments in the press this morning will have been viewed / received in Boston?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:42

Tony Barrett:
I'd imagine the comments about "tools" will have been the ones that impressed FSG least.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:42

Comment From Matt
Rodgers references to the hysteria around LFC at the moment, and something came to mind...thenoise about Bentekes offside goal against Bournemouth versus the relative silence around 3 offside goals in the Spurs v City game. I know LFC are newsworthy but the difference in reporting and reaction in those 2 games tells a stoiry doesnt it?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:43

Tony Barrett:
As someone who covers Liverpool for a living I'm acutely aware of the scale of the attention that they get in comparison to other clubs. But it works for them as well as against them. A club which commands so much media interest is in a position to exploit it commercially. Also, as Man City fans have pointed out, the attention that Liverpool got during the title challenge of 2013/14 far exceeded the attention that their own club received even though they ended up winning it. In that respect, Liverpool have to take the rough with the smooth.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:46

Comment From Rory
Gary Mac and Rodgers were pleased with 47 shots against Carlisle. Does this not just indicate a lack of ideas. "Shoot from anywhere lads."
Monday September 28, 2015 12:46

Tony Barrett:
I don't think that's any more than accentuating the positives to be fair Rory. Rodgers has been urging his players to shoot more often but I doubt he will have been thrilled by what happened against Carlisle. The idea will be to have shots when chances are created, not to take pot shots over and over again because you've run out of ideas.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:48

Comment From VJ
Hi Tony, do you think the common view in this in country that managers should be given time to succeed is foolish? I can't remember anyone having 3+ years of building and then becoming successful. If anything the european model of changing managers every 2-3 years seems to provide more success. what are your thoughts?
Monday September 28, 2015 12:48

Tony Barrett:
I was talking about this very issue to a good friend of mine recently VJ. There's no chance that a manager could do what Howard Kendall did in the mid-80s, going to the brink and then being a misplaced backpass away from losing your job before an incredible renaissance takes place. It just isn't happening. Money has killed that and we now live in an age of instant gratification.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:50

Comment From Matt
Surely if FSG want to invest in potential, both playing and managerial, then they should be prepared for ups and downs and time to settle evenythingin.How long that is I dont know, but certaoinly players like Markovic, Can, Moreno etc could need a couple of seasons - look at Erik Lamela as someone who now seems to get it 2 seasons into his time at Spurs
Monday September 28, 2015 12:50

Tony Barrett:
I don't disagree with that Matt. The problem with that strategy for me is that if you're going to sign players for the future you can't forget that you also need players for now and I think Liverpool have been guilty of that in recent years.
Monday September 28, 2015 12:52
Barrett's right about the 'tools' line and its likely reception by FSG. When you've just escaped the sack in the summer, and the owners have then given you quite a bit of money to sign several more players, and you've then gone on to overseee some poor performances and poor results, it's madness to make the dig about not having the tools to do as well as you can. I mean, is he trying to get the sack??
FSG aren't clueless but they take advice from the wrong people. They had the right idea when they bought the club but then they signed up Rodgers and binned the plan to get in a DoF.

I don't think the club will take the next step until Ayre is sacked and they sign up a top class DoF.

I can't work that one out and it smacks of arrogance. If a double Bundesliga manager is willing to talk to a club which has finished outside the top four in five of the last six seasons then they have a duty to hear what he has to say. It's not as if Liverpool will have their pick of elite managers..

I can work it out. If we would sign up Klopp then Ayre would get less power. Ayre need to be sacked as soon as possible.
FSG aren't clueless but they take advice from the wrong people. They had the right idea when they bought the club but then they signed up Rodgers and binned the plan to get in a DoF.

I don't think the club will take the next step until Ayre is sacked and they sign up a top class DoF.

I can't work that one out and it smacks of arrogance. If a double Bundesliga manager is willing to talk to a club which has finished outside the top four in five of the last six seasons then they have a duty to hear what he has to say. It's not as if Liverpool will have their pick of elite managers..

I can work it out. If we would sign up Klopp then Ayre would get less power. Ayre need to be sacked as soon as possible.

Taking advice from the wrong people is being clueless.
Barrett's right about the 'tools' line and its likely reception by FSG. When you've just escaped the sack in the summer, and the owners have then given you quite a bit of money to sign several more players, and you've then gone on to overseee some poor performances and poor results, it's madness to make the dig about not having the tools to do as well as you can. I mean, is he trying to get the sack??

It seems like he's compounding whatever point he obviously had in the Summer, that they implemented a committee when he said he didn't want a DoF, so he felt we were buying players that didn't fit what he wanted to do - fair enough, that was his leverage in the Summer, but he won that argument and now has his players. If anything, he seems to be still bemoaning the fact, due to big injuries to his two biggest signings this Summer. It's like he's saying, "my two signings are injured and I'm stuck with the shit you forced on me", which isn't entirely true because he's shipped many of them out anyway.

He can argue that if we hadn't spunked money away last year, he may have had a healthier squad to build on this time, but it's an old argument now, just get on with the fucking job and work with what you've got. They're talented players, the main flaws are the systematic ones that have dogged his tenure.
I believe Ayre said in an interview that Rodgers had got all the players he wanted, hence his comments about not having the right tools might come back to him!
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