Spearing: "Let me out of here, I don't like the way Pepe is staring"
Spearing: "Its okay guys, it hurt, but now you're next"
Carroll: "Fee Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of non Englishmen"
Kenny: "I don't like cut of your jib"
Lucas: "Well too bad I'm made of Lucanium"
Kenny(mumbles under breath): "More like lucky Meireles got injured I was starting to replace you"
Your turn, pick one, do them all; have fun.

Spearing: "Let me out of here, I don't like the way Pepe is staring"

Spearing: "Its okay guys, it hurt, but now you're next"

Carroll: "Fee Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of non Englishmen"

Kenny: "I don't like cut of your jib"
Lucas: "Well too bad I'm made of Lucanium"
Kenny(mumbles under breath): "More like lucky Meireles got injured I was starting to replace you"
Your turn, pick one, do them all; have fun.