amazing........... not.
Michael Ngoo
I doubt there is anyone on Liverpool's squad who could dunk. Aside from maybe Agger or Mignolet??
Why would they even bother trying.
Ignore them Dirkus ... ILD has started an anti-american cult on SCM, and you're the #1 target ...
So he's tall & he can jump.
Massively overrated sport. Nba jam is the best thing basketball has ever been responsible for.
Spud webb winning the dunk competition was just amazing. The guy is a midget for a basketball player at 5'7".Oh come on ... Bird vs Magic, Jordan vs the Pistons, barkley vs the Angolans, Vinsanity on anyone, Spud dunking, Bogues dunking a volleyball ... @Karl Hungus's favorite player - Kevin Durant - hitting Js ... plenty of greaty things, though NBA jam was great too.
Oh come on ... Bird vs Magic, Jordan vs the Pistons, barkley vs the Angolans, Vinsanity on anyone, Spud dunking, Bogues dunking a volleyball ... @Karl Hungus's favorite player - Kevin Durant - hitting Js ... plenty of greaty things, though NBA jam was great too.
is dirkus a yank? explains why he's a bell if so.
Nope, I'm from Guam.
you seem like a yank.
Well, technically Guam is an unincorporated organized territory of the U.S.
You may as well be speaking Greek mate. All I know is, I've tried to watch basketball a few times, & found it extremely tiresome. It's repetitive, that music they play makes me want to tear my ears off & the court looks about the size of a snooker table.
I used to love watching transworldsport & could appreciate almost every one they showed (esp that mad one with a wooden ball you play in bare feet, that was fucking ace to watch) but never basketball.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but basketball is a killer game.
Maybe you really need to play it a few times in order to fully appreciate it.
So he's tall & he can jump.
Massively overrated sport. Nba jam is the best thing basketball has ever been responsible for.
I've never played it properly. We stopped playing it school, too many fights. Had three lessons each one ending up in being given a lecture on it being no contact, so we asked if we could just play footy instead & they gladly gave in.
The notion that it is no contact is very misleading, its actually a very physical game. Some of the pick up games that get played at parks here in the states are brutal.
Although the NBA is really getting pussified, back in the 80's and 90's we are talking man's game.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but basketball is a killer game.
Maybe you really need to play it a few times in order to fully appreciate it.