Liverpool FC sign legal agreement to expand Anfield stadium as part of £260m regeneration
Published by Jon Land for in Local Government and also inCommunities, Development, Housing
Thursday 17th April 2014 - 11:29am
Liverpool Football Club, Liverpool City Council and social landlord Your Housing Group have signed a legal agreement which has brought the regeneration of Anfield a step closer.
Alongside new housing, the deal could lead to the expansion of Liverpool FC's stadium.
Mayor Joe Anderson, Liverpool FC chair Tom Werner and Kathy Cowell, chair of YHG, signed the heads of terms, paving the way for the proposed £260 million scheme.
The legal document has set out the agreed principles upon which a formal contract can subsequently be entered into by the signatories.
The three organisations are working in partnership to bring about a comprehensive regeneration and long-term benefits to residents and businesses in the Anfield area - which it is hoped could lead to the creation of 770 jobs.
Agreement to the heads of terms will allow each organisation to progress its respective schemes in the confidence that there is a legally binding agreement in place between the all parties.
The Anfield Project was launched in June 2013 and was followed by a six-week period of public consultation which revealed over 80% public support toward the outline proposals for regenerating the area.
The Anfield Project includes the following planned schemes:
• Anfield Village and Rockfield housing refurbishment projects.
• New build housing (being delivered by Keepmoat Plc).
• Walton Breck Road and the High Street corridor regeneration.
• A proposed training hotel.
• A proposed business hub.
• New public space, 96 Avenue and Anfield Square.
• The completion of Stanley Park and a proposed hub in the Park.
• Proposed Liverpool FC stadium expansion.
Joe Anderson said: “This is another key step along in the delivery the Anfield Project, which will bring a huge improvement in quality of life for many thousands of people. The signing today sends a very clear message to the people of north Liverpool and the wider city: a brighter Anfield is coming.”
Tom Werner said: “We are pleased that great progress has been made with the city council and Your Housing Group about the plans for the regeneration of Anfield and the unique opportunity that gives us to stay at Anfield Stadium. We have always maintained that we need certainty in order to progress with our plans and the Heads of Terms is an important step on that journey.
"We are optimistic that we will realise our plans for the expansion of Anfield and look forward to the next step of the planning process.”
Next week Liverpool FC will be hosting some exhibitions where local residents, fans and members of the public will be able to view their ambitious plans for its proposed expansion to Anfield Stadium.
Kathy Cowell, OBE DL, said: “This agreement demonstrates the partners’ commitment to deliver the Anfield Project. We’d like to thank the local community for their continued support and patience and look forward to delivering the plans that will transform the area for the better."