Ha. To be quite honest, I love that people hate on the Patriots - because we are winners. There is nothing else really to hate. We don't buy titles (the salary cap sees to that), we don't even have the best players really in any given position. We don't cheat*. We just know how to fucking get it done.
And Tom Brady is a hell of a model American too. How can you not love this dude.
*Any more than anyone else. Deflategate is a non issue. I'm sure people are checking the ball PSI regularly now and Tom still just goes out there and wins.
The cheat arguments. I hate the term Cheatriots. Pure jealousy.
Tuck Rule - everyone brings this up, as if Patriots cheated. Fact of the matter is, we were on the wrong side of the call earlier in the year (think it was vs Giants). Bill remembered it so challenged the call. It was only magnified because it was in the playoffs. And even Patriots thought it was a bullshit rule, so it was abolished that off season.
Spygate - fair cop, but if any one believes that other teams didn't do similar things. Or not STILL doing similar things, then it's naive at best. Who forgot to press delete?
Deflategate - Brady knew.. but again, we've probably had it done to us. You can see teams checking the ball much more now. Especially after Brady is picked.
Onto Patriots next year...
It's going to be an interesting off season for sure. Around 30% of the roster is hitting free agency + is Gronk going to retire.
As for key players, I don't think we will keep both T.Brown and Flowers. We may end up keeping neither, since open market value is between $15m-$20m per season for them.
I read it's a deep draft for offensive tackles. So it wouldn't surprise me at all that Brown is one and done with us. Flowers has got better and better over his 4 years with us, so would be gutted to see him go.
Like you say, we don't have the most talented roster. We do have the most coachable one tho. Hungry players eager to get 'paid'.