She's dead

Well, I'm sure you've all been dying to hear my thoughts on this.

To be honest I was never really affected by her tenure that much, I grew up in the South East. We were po', but it weren't cos of M-Thatch.

Didn't give a fuck when she killed the milk, we were forced to drink it even though it was more or less cottage cheese by the time we got it, no cunt wanted it.

I do however understand that she did some bad shit and I can empathise with all the cats that were directly affected by her. I also would not begrudge anyone (especially the likes of FFF, Oncy, Sunny whom I know to be sound) their right to be glad that she's dead. Heaps of rational people I respect hated her.

Personally, I never liked her and I don't hate her. Meh.
I would make her face look like Gorbachev's head.

That one a bit tenuous, to say the least.
I wouldnt do nothing to her cos shes a fucking cunt

And i dont have any standards so that tells you all you need to know
There's no excuse for it when it's youngsters like yourselves, IMO.

At my age, you have to take it where you can find it.
Would shagging the corpse of an older person be a niche fetish in the world of necrophilia? Or is it a case of 'any hole is a goal'?
I agreed with her on

1. The death penalty
2. That people should aspire 'to something greater than themselves'
3. On nuclear weapons
4. On Scotland

But tbh some of the questions I was just answering pedantically, in the spirit of them I'd probably be more like 60%
Yep, it still is isn't it? Is there any country that doesn't actually have a central bank? Because from my understanding that's what that question is asking...
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