She's dead

are facist states not too dissimilar to communist states?

there is an argument that the very far left and the very far right whilst being very different in ideals manifest themselves in similar ways and so therefore appear to be quite similar.
How dare people younger than 30 protest !! Next we will hear is people born after 1945 saying they think Hitler was a bad man ... what is the world coming to???

I was more commenting on the sheer passion they had about chanting about her death considering they weren't directly affected (although you could argue they have been affected by the results of said actions). I would expect and understand (but not condone) that sort of response from those who were around at the time and personally impacted, but seeing people my age who weren't even born then shouting at her coffin strikes me more as a protest in the name of letting out some vitirol instead of actually anger at her reign. I don't think it is a particularly hard concept to grasp, and I wasn't saying they shouldn't be allowed to, I just stated that I don't understand it.

But maybe that is because I come from an upbringing that as far as I know was relatively unaffected by Maggie. My whole family are/ were Liverpool based until it moved with the shipping industry (Aberdeen and then down South) and I never heard any anti-Thatcher comments from any relatives over the years so was naturally pretty unaware of her until she started being mentioned in history lessons etc..
are facist states not too dissimilar to communist states?

there is an argument that the very far left and the very far right whilst being very different in ideals manifest themselves in similar ways and so therefore appear to be quite similar.

You're right, they are very similar. So why the need to characterise N Korea as right wing? Its a hard line, far left communist regime.
You're right, they are very similar. So why the need to characterise N Korea as right wing? Its a hard line, far left communist regime.

so why do you feel the need to say its far left. The only point i think they made was that due to the size of its army in relation to population that it was quite like a far right facist state.

That is true.
so why do you feel the need to say its far left. The only point i think they made was that due to the size of its army in relation to population that it was quite like a far right facist state.

That is true.

Because it is a communist state, and that's how they tend to up.

I dunno why the left is always so dismissive about the massive failures of its own extreme positions.
I was shaking my head. He's such a fucking tit.

The worst bit was him grilling the hospital staff! Reminded me of the Blackadder line about George having about as much talent for disguise as a giraffe in dark glasses trying to get into a polar bears only golf club.
The BBC Panorama programme who recently went undercover in North Korea labeled the Korea they saw as a Fascist regime:

Huge percentage of citizens in the military.
Believing in Racial purity.
Extreme propaganda and brainwashing .
The BBC Panorama programme who recently went undercover in North Korea labeled the Korea they saw as a Fascist regime:

Huge percentage of citizens in the military.
Believing in Racial purity.
Extreme propaganda and brainwashing .

How is that any different to the soviets?
The worst bit was him grilling the hospital staff! Reminded me of the Blackadder line about George having about as much talent for disguise as a giraffe in dark glasses trying to get into a polar bears only golf club.

This is what pisses me off sooo much about the BBC.

Was I being naive when twenty years ago I had faith that the people doing proper journalism were brilliant historians and documentarians? Now it seems most of the shit they produce is a load of glued together stereotypes and cliches with utter dickpieces letting their ego get in the way of the subject.
Because it is a communist state, and that's how they tend to up.

I dunno why the left is always so dismissive about the massive failures of its own extreme positions.

no one said it is a right wing state. they said that part of how it operates was quite like a facist state. that is true.

I dont think people on the left are saying North Korea is rightwing. Most leftwingers dont believe that North korea is how they would liket olive. its an extreme version of the left. like facism is extreme for the right. I dont think that the righties on here would like to live in a facist state.
no one said it is a right wing state. they said that part of how it operates was quite like a facist state. that is true.

I dont think people on the left are saying North Korea is rightwing. Most leftwingers dont believe that North korea is how they would liket olive. its an extreme version of the left. like facism is extreme for the right. I dont think that the righties on here would like to live in a facist state.

Well I suppose people will say I'm biased but I think communism is far more closely related to the left wing view of the world than fascism is to the right, at least how I'd describe myself as right wing: a small state, low taxes, emphasis on personal freedom. Whereas the primary target of the left, a more equal society (is that wrong?) is in theory very compatible with communsim: of course, in practice, communist states tend to be the most unequal in the world.
The old boot did do one good thing.

She invented Mr whippy.

Hardly makes up for everything else like, but interesting that someone who is the polar opposite of fun & enjoyment could invent something that became the symbol for so much fun & childish enjoyment.
This article says it all about her. Taxes are for poor people.

By Andy Lines

Thatcher's £6million townhouse owned by mystery company with links to tax havens
13 Apr 2013 08:49

EXPERTS say financial trail leads to offshore businesses in British Virgin Islands with links to Liechtenstein and Jersey.
Thatcher's home in Belgravia is owned by a company with links in the tax haven Thatcher's home in Belgravia is owned by a company with links in the tax haven

MARGARET Thatcher’s £6million townhouse is owned by a mysterious company with links to three notorious tax havens.

Financial experts said it could have been a scheme which would help her estate avoid millions of pounds in inheritance tax. But because the former prime minister’s affairs are shrouded in secrecy, it may be impossible to find out.

The trail leads to offshore businesses in the British Virgin Islands with links to Liechtenstein and Jersey.

The £6million property Thatcher lived in for more than 20 years is owned by Bakeland Property Company, based in the Caribbean territory. Their official address is a PO Box in Liechtenstein and they had their original roots in St Helier, Jersey.

The question marks over her home come as police in London prepare for anarchist demonstrations this weekend, following her death on Monday.

Any suggestion of avoiding a £2.4million inheritance tax bill will spark outrage following the row over
who is paying for Thatcher’s lavish £10million funeral.

British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean

John Christensen, of the Tax Justice Network, said: “How can a former prime minister spend more than two decades living in a house in London that has been owned for many years by a company based in the British Virgin Islands?

“This does not pass the smell test and simply cannot be allowed to happen in 21st Century Britain.

“We all have a duty to pay our taxes, and that includes former politicians. Politicians and in particular prime ministers have a duty to be transparent with their financial affairs.”

Records at the Land Registry HQ show that on March 29, 2006, Bakeland paid £2,395,807 for the house in Belgravia, London.

It is unclear who they purchased the house from, because they were also named on the lease when the house was originally bought on October 30, 1991, for a reported £700,000.

There are two leases on the property, which a Land Registry source described as “unusual”. The first one was taken out on October 18, 1991, and lasts until December 25, 2030. The second was taken out on July 29, 1996, and runs out in 2055.

Bakeland Property Company Ltd trustees were originally listed as Jersey-based Hugh Thurston and Leonard Day, her friends and financial advisers. In 2002, The Guardian reported that Bakeland’s shares were held by Day and Thurston. Accountants said they were acting as nominees for a trust with concealed beneficiaries.

As Lady Thatcher did not own the house herself it is possible, depending on the terms of her will, that her children Mark and Carol could benefit. If the property was listed in the name of their mother, they would been subject to 40 per cent tax on the value of the home – an estimated £2.4million.

Tax campaigner Christensen added: “There are huge financial benefits for an offshore company to own a property or leasehold, particularly in connection with stamp duty and inheritance tax.

“A company doesn’t die. If a person dies, the property has to be passed on to someone else – obviously this isn’t the case with a company.

“This can be very beneficial indeed and can save a large amount of money in taxes which would be otherwise due.”

Meanwhile, hundreds of police are on standby in the run-up to Thatcher’s funeral in London on Wednesday.

Anarchists threatened a mass party to celebrate her death and protesters said a demonstration in Trafalgar Square today will be a focus for discontent.

The decision to grant her a military-themed send-off was questioned again yesterday after claims Buckingham Palace had raised concerns about it.

Labour MP Ronnie Campbell demanded to know why 700 troops will stage a ceremonial funeral for Thatcher when prime ministers who had fought for their country did not.

He said: “They are putting her up there with Winston Churchill.”
This is where I want some help - give me some reading material as to what benefits they got from these 'friendships' ... I only ask, based on my earlier discussion re: England during WWII (or the US for that matter, because politicians tend to take any friend based on variables that in hindsight look horrific to 99% of us ...

Try Google LTW.

In the case of Pinochet its pretty commonly believed that he was spying against the Argies during the Falklands war. In the Pol Pot support she was probably backing her US allies. She lied in parliament when denying that the SAS was training the Khmer Rouge.
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