She's dead

Fun filled fact.

Liverpool FC have won more League Titles while Thatcher was leading the Tory party than when she wasn't.
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Well done you.

Think Peter has got you there Sunny

I have to laugh at this thread, a lefty comes up with a link to an article saying something, then a right winger comes up with a link to an article poo pooing it.

classic and just proves all points of view can be proved by some media link
Think Peter has got you there Sunny

I have to laugh at this thread, a lefty comes up with a link to an article saying something, then a right winger comes up with a link to an article poo pooing it.

classic and just proves all points of view can be proved by some media link

Who's a lefty ? Pay attention simpleton
Wealthy people are more likely to drink too much alcohol than either smoke or be overweight - FACT

Makes no sense that the most expensive thing to do is smoke and more low income workers smoke than high income, always baffled me that one

IMO the link between obesity and folks on benefits is mainly lack of education on what is healthy and how much to have.

My sister who is a prime example of this was massive and said to me one day, we are having Pasta tonight that's healthy so you can have as much of that as possible, erm no I said.

Sorry but in my experience wealthier kids in general are not the fatties either

How did we get on to lard as a subject ?

With regards to your comment about having a great fire service here's some info. As I say I think we have superb firemen but the service is not what it used to be through cuts and it's putting lives at risk.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority confirmed today an increase in its council tax precept of 2% for the next year.
It's as they have to find £10 million of savings over the next two years on top of the £9.2 million it made in the previous two years.
Most taxpayers on Merseyside live in Band A properties and will see an annual increase of only 89p for their fire and rescue service (or less than 2p per week).
Merseyside’s Grant cut for 2013/14 is 8.7% and a further 7.5% in 2014/15, slightly above the national average.
In the previous two years Merseyside received the worst Grant settlement in the country at more than twice the national average.
The budget cuts will come from £7 million in back office and support services and £3 million from emergency response.
Fifty seven posts in support services are put at risk of redundancy and 90 firefighter posts will be lost through natural retirement rates over a three year period.
This will result in an eventual reduction of fire appliances from 42 two years ago down to 28, but all our community fire stations will be kept open. This is an overall 33% reduction in fire appliances since the Government began its’ spending reviews and will also have a significant impact on the Authority’s highly acclaimed fire prevention work.
Councillor Dave Hanratty, Chair of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, said: "We have made huge reductions in management costs and support service but Government has left us with no option but to cut our frontline services even further.
Our firefighter numbers will reduce from 1,500 a decade ago to 760 by 2015.
"With support from our local MPs, we have lobbied hard to stop further grant cuts but Government has only partially listened.
"Our officers have put plans in place which we are confident will limit the direct impact on our services to the community but the Government can’t take more than £19 million out of our budget over the four years of the spending review and it not have an effect.”
Dan Stephens, Chief Fire Officer, said: "A 33% reduction in fire appliances will affect our emergency response and our fire prevention activities, but we will continue to identify ways of making ourselves more effective and efficient with fewer resources.
"We will be talking with our staff and communities over the coming months to explain the changes we are proposing and how we intend to minimise the effect of the cuts.”

fair point
How did we get on to (tub of) lard as a subject ?

Because no matter how much you try and spin it, this thread is always going to head to the Left.

I wonder if he (Tub Of Lard) is going to the funeral.
Wealthy people are more likely to drink too much alcohol than either smoke or be overweight - FACT

Makes no sense that the most expensive thing to do is smoke and more low income workers smoke than high income, always baffled me that one

IMO the link between obesity and folks on benefits is mainly lack of education on what is healthy and how much to have.

My sister who is a prime example of this was massive and said to me one day, we are having Pasta tonight that's healthy so you can have as much of that as possible, erm no I said.

Sorry but in my experience wealthier kids in general are not the fatties either

How did we get on to lard as a subject ?

So are you the brightest of your siblings?
you really are fucking thick.

It'd be entertaining if he wasn't being so genuine.

I'm glad I've stayed clear of this thread for the most part, I would have lost my rag at a few points, with a troll and an idiot. As it is, I'm whazzed off with the pricks at the BBC for not playing this week's number one on the radio, because THEY don't think it's appropriate, censoring cunts.
Makes no sense that the most expensive thing to do is smoke and more low income workers smoke than high income, always baffled me that one

... and it [smoking] is only so expensive because because of a strategy of moving from direct taxation to indirect taxation.

You know, "we'll tax your income less and give you the illusion of having more money in your pocket before fleecing it back off you by other means"
I'm relatively well off these days, I'm a fat bastard and I just woke up with a banging hangover. I gave up smoking (30 a day) 25 years ago.

Am I odd?
Id agree with that.. @cloggypop

One of the best gigs I ever went to was in Liverpool

Dreadzone in the Krazyhouse (sloanes) and the support act was Zion Train..

Proper dubtastic sounds..

Phatt Bass...

oh the 90's what a decade...
Jono you would love this if you are ever over in Holland . It is held in an entirely squatted village, including church and harbour , filled with random art . Dubtastic indeed .
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