Arf. The worst of it is that I actually don't dislike the guy. His start in life was horrendous, and what probably made it worse than ever is that he's not an idiot as some have called him (IMO at any rate). If he had been, his early troubles might conceivably have done him less damage. As it is, I suspect that part of his problem nowadays is that he's bright enough to have become bored with a game which he can play very well without making much effort, if the mood takes him.
What I detest is the effect Balotelli's been having on the club I love and have supported for more than twice as long as he's been on this Earth. His terminal immaturity and his behaviour resulting from that have caused rifts within the club which, if they continue, will be at least as threatening to its progress as any loss on the pitch. I'm not interested in seeing my club suffer any longer while the latest in a very long line of attempts are made (and probably fail) to drag Balotelli kicking and screaming into adulthood.