Ha ha.. Be hilarious if it was even remotely true..So he opened all his LFC accounts, doing MOTM for years to try and sell pregnancy kits to footy fans? Seems an unlikely strategy. Especially as his link doesn't actually work.
I did try to drum up some interest on the twits as this thread happened the other day. Two fucking like. And one of them was Spion Kop. Maybe the other dude joined though,
We're just like the main protagonists in The Walking Dead. I bagsy being Daryl.
We have deffo made it now.Can't believe I made it onto Woland's twitter!
Ooooo you cunt, I'm a fucking cockerney!Bollocks. It's full of proper wools on here
Wow, that is very impressive. But I'm assuming that's natural search? So we may just be quite prolific re: content and using lots of key Google Adwords or something.
Unless we're paying someone to do some SEO for us?
I am now at the outer limits of my knowledge.
You know the rules of bagsying something. I'm Daryl.Yeah right
Yep, we'd feature heavily with keywords, but organic content is what drives SEO and this site's been going for what, 8-9 years (I've no idea) so the amount of content we'd have out there is incredible.
An average SEO specialist could have us number 1 in Google in a heartbeat with some decent back-linking and keyowrd optimisation - but it's not what we want is it?
We should be delighted that the likes of RAWK pick up all the fucking 14 year old morons out there, and we get left with the likes of Ben hawking his web design 1.0...
Ben, if your still here, this is real LFC art.
How do we stop that happening?I agree, this place will change drastically for the worse as soon as we hit #1 on Google. Like Radiohead after OK Computer.
How do we stop that happening?
We are fourth on the list now under the google search "Liverpool Forum", the donation money is obviously being spent wisely.
1 - Official
2 - TIA
3 - RAWK
4 - 6CM
Happy days, send in the sacrificial lambs