I thought it was a pisstake at first and then I read the interview on GQ.
Basically, where the Last Dance talks about Scottie 'quitting on the team' because Phil Jackson drew up the last second shot for Toni Kukoc. Scottie says now that move has 'racial tones' because Scottie was the man and MVP candidate and should have taken the last shot.
When questioned about Jordan's pass to Steve Kerr (or maybe John Paxon?) he said that was for the cameras ...
I really don't get it ... I'm sure I read a while back Pip was having financial issues ... but since the Last Dance came out, he's started really changing his tune in public ...
Basically, where the Last Dance talks about Scottie 'quitting on the team' because Phil Jackson drew up the last second shot for Toni Kukoc. Scottie says now that move has 'racial tones' because Scottie was the man and MVP candidate and should have taken the last shot.
When questioned about Jordan's pass to Steve Kerr (or maybe John Paxon?) he said that was for the cameras ...
I really don't get it ... I'm sure I read a while back Pip was having financial issues ... but since the Last Dance came out, he's started really changing his tune in public ...