Phil Hughes

Horrific indeed. I am shocked and saddened at this news. With the power in the modern game, I could have seen this happening to a fielder or an umpire. Terrible news. Rip.
Genuinely thought this was about the former Yankee and now Twins pitcher Phil Hughes.

RIP nonetheless.
Yeah that's awful. RIP. Feel sorry for the guy that bowled him that bouncer as well.
Yeah can't see Abbott bowling another short ball for the rest of his career. Really hope he's not blaming himself.

Can't say I know much about Cricket or the man but when I seen him collapse face down after the ball my stomach turned.
I still thought he would pull through it.

Gutted when I heard the news.
I was reading about this on the train and it almost made me sick, apparently the ball hit the back of his head with such speed it caused one of his main arteries to split, which ultimately lead to mass internal bleeding and his death. It's horrendous, hows that even possible, such a one in a million chance freak accident, I guess it reminds you how fragile the human body can be. Such a sad and tragic accident, he was younger than me at 25, that's no age at all, you've got to feel for the family, the bowler and his team mates, RIP.
R.I.P. Phil. Really sound bloke by all accounts. Sickening news. Feeling proper sad right now.

He was a great bloke. I know a couple of people who are active in Worcestershire County Cricket Club and Phil Hughes was well liked as well as respected from his time there.

God rest him and comfort his family - and, as others have said, the poor guy who bowled at him.
One of the saddest things I have heard for some time. Genuinely devastated for his family and the Australian cricket community.
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