I am James Nolan cousin and I was asked to write memories of James on this page and I said that I would be more than happy to do so.
I remember the times Jam used to stay in our nannys house which is right beside mine, i always used to come in in the morning and take some of his toast and ask our nanny for more i knew they never minded🙂
Jam is my closest older cousin in age and the one i always
admired and looked up in school and whenever i saw him, i remember seeing him always laughing and having great fun with his friends, whenever i seen him in the school corridors he gave his famous cheeky smile and said 'Alright Laura' 🙂.
Jam was a barman in Blessington and is the best barman ever, he had the laughs with his mates and always had that one in a million smile on his face♥
Another memory I have with Jam is seeing him at a festival called Knockanstockan, I seen him at a tea and coffee stand at about 2 in the morning with a beer in one hand and a huge burger in the other, we said heya and he looked confused as why i was there as i am his ' little cousin Laura' we talked for another while about how the festival was going and what bands we saw and liked🙂 Jam loves the real Irish tunes and was always a great man for getting up on the dancefloor at one of the weddings or on nights out.
the last time I seen James was the night of his 21st birthday only about 2 weeks ago🙂 all his family and friends were there having the times of our lifes! awh it was a brilliant night im so glad i got to give you a hug and a kiss as one of your 21 kisses♥ looking at all the photos of all us Nolans throughout the years shows how loved Jam was by everyone and just how close of a family we are. your always in out heart Jam and will be forever. Rest In Peace Jammers, my dad, your bro, gar and sophie are in Poland with you now♥♥ Youll be home soon Jam, back in Blessington with all your family and friends that love you eternally your a hero Jam ♥♥♥♥