It worked for Joe Allen ...
Jesus, Marion, JosephWhat in the name of Jesus and his holy little donkey is going on?
Did Jesus have a donkey?
Yeah.I'm already looking forward to this thread being locked and Sahin Part 3 being spawned.
I'm already looking forward to this thread being locked and Sahin Part 3 being spawned.
I'll reply anyway.
I don't think we know for sure. As far as I recall my scripture, he asked his homie to get him an ass. Later someone remarked how humbly he rode that ass.
So yeah, he may have had a donkey, or else we've got the message way wrong and have wasted a great argument against those who think sodomy is about domination.
Turkish tv reporting its with an option to buy
IS IT CONFIRMED???Turkish tv reporting its with an option to buy
option to buy = 5 hour wankathon (even though i've never seen him play)
The holiday romance on then?
only with an option for a permo conno at the end.
And kebabs, Fuck them offIf this doesnt happen im never eating Turkey again the cunts.