NHL Thread 2013


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After months of being locked in a labour stalemate, the National Hockey League and its players are finally ready to get back to work.

Early on Sunday morning — day 113 of the lockout — NHL commissioner Gary Bettman confirmed from New York the two sides had reached a tentative agreement on the framework of a new collective bargaining agreement that will finally spark the beginning of the 2012-13 NHL season.

Now I can watch Claude Giroux beat up Sidney Crosby again!
That picture of the Flyers takes me back to 1985 when I used to go watch them at the Spectrum. I've still got the replica shirt in my wardrobe somewhere and it still doesn't fit me!

That and my Mike Quick Eagles top.
Shame the likes of Bergeron, Kane, Seguin or Zetterberg are not playing here anymore but happy the NHL is back...
I support the Canucks on the basis they're better for business than any other team.
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