MonogomousI missed all the koptalk shite. This is my first and only liverpool forum i've posted on
MonogomousI missed all the koptalk shite. This is my first and only liverpool forum i've posted on
I told you it was mono sikkosoMonogomous
I know it is true. Sure, he's a fan of Liverpool, but it isn't his primary English club.
I think you might be right, I am impressed Peter, how many years ago was all that?I seem to remember Oncey had Moe from the Simpsons as his avatar, and I think Vlad's was Alan Partridge.
So he is a Liverpool supporter then.
He describes himself as a supporter of another club. So that would be a no.
I think you might be right, I am impressed Peter, how many years ago was all that?
Koptalk was ace until the fallout with Dunc. Thank God for that, it resulted in the birth of 6CM.Kt finished for us in 2006 I think? The chat box indeed. I came in one day, no one had been there for a while. I posted in the shout box. I said where's the vlad, Ryan, mark etc.
Then, someone said something nasty about ryan. Somehow I found my way to scm, but then I was denied entry to scm until someone went back to the shout box and verified I hadn't said anything unseemingly about o'hare in said shout box. I was then deemed fit for entry..
It was all very schoolyard-like conspiratorial....
Deffo remember a few names like lechacal, tallecwiz, vlad, Ryan, Rosco and Captain common sense, Mark..
I flirted with Est1892 for a bit after KT - But I got annoyed because a poster called 'Rashid' was posting there and he used to drive me mad (I'm sure there are a few on here that remember him) .I have the happy honour of being banned from RAWK too. Looking at that site now I consider that a badge of honour! 6CM took all the best posters from KT I feel. Vlad, GK, LTW, Oncey, Ryan - Even Brendan (who was tedious but made me laugh)
Bloody hell - I've just stumbled upon the KT insider thing. I'd known about it but not really checked it out. All the KT chat reminded me to go have a good look. The guy is a fucking loon for sure! Doesn't look like it's been updated in awhile so maybe he has exhausted his supply of lithium. - Crazy reading!
I think that blog is still going!! I guess the majority of people have left KT now so not so much point.
The output on the blog did reduce significantly when Rupert the chief loon left under something of a cloud