You'll have to go again and take a photo of this "art"A good mate of mine runs his bar in Times Square. Gerrard and Keane were in there two weeks ago. I nearly dropped when I saw the pics. I was invited that night. Didn't go (didn't know).
Struggling to explain the finch. Anybody?
The solitary finch represents a trace of Finch Farm, and the boyhood Blue who has now tamed that memory, like Blake's imprisoned robin, so that he may fight on undistracted.
Oh man! I didn't even see the finch! Damn I love this picture! Art in it's purest form!I think the painter (I can't allow myself to call him an artist) has swallowed a book on symbology and gone to town with an incredible lack of subtlety, attempting to represent anything to do with Carra in the image. So the three leopards is an obvious reference to England. The fangs are like, well....why the fuck not?
Struggling to explain the finch. Anybody?