The fact GS were already there could be argued as 'tainted' considering Green should have been suspended in that series ...
The team that wanted it most won. Cleveland aren't nearly as talented, and as you say, have serious issues ... Which is why I think LeBron moves on.
As for being a SD fan - I feel for you. Closest they've been was Humphries and Means?
It could be, but I'm personally against suspensions due to accumulation in the playoffs. Unless there's some seriously malicious intent, the league office should never make a decision that influences who does or does not play. The league deliberately keeps these rules vague and vacuous so they have the ability to massage a series if they need to, which is a crazy status quo to me in a sport where individuals are so important.
I think it's BS to say the Cavs wanted it more though. They literally won because Bogut came down the wrong way and the Warriors missed a bunch of wide open shots in a crucial game 7.
I don't know that LeBron has a better situation he can move to though, in the West or otherwise. Especially considering that in the East he could probably sit out the entire regular season and make it into the playoffs.