Did Whelan say this or is Martinez quoted as saying this?
You sure?
So he'd refuse offers from Barca and Madrid?
You asked me if he said it. I said yes. Then you asked me to explain why he did. Best ask him.
When talking about 'facts', particularly those that one claims to be able to find from the internet, it's general courtesy to provide a link with it.
Aight..... put down the handbags now and keep your hands where i can see them....ya sissies.
Oh buggar off Macca!No, mate, it's general laziness to ask for it.
Oh buggar off Macca!
It's common sense to back up a claim, particularly one that's emotionally driven, yet insinuated as being fact.
I'll back off if you've got a quote where Martinez claims to have 'made it very clear that he sees having full control as crucial no matter where he might manage', but as I've already said, it's a load of bollocks.
I'd be glad for you to prove me wrong (as that would give me an objective viewpoint as to his suitability for the job), unless you suffer from 'general laziness', that is.
Okay, I've done the research (haven't really, but humor me).You're mistaking me with the Admirable Crichton. Either move on or do the research your self (christ almighty, it's two clicks away you lazy fecker).
Why don't we have a love button?
Why don't we have a love button?
BTW, there's not a single quote from Martinez stating what Macca said.
I stand by my statement. Unless Macca proves me wrong (which could well happen should Martinez announce he's staying on Tuesday's press conference), what he said was a load of bollocks.
I can't believe Macca's had his opinion swayed by Whelan, even to the point of fabricating a story.
As I've said though, I'm happy to be proven wrong.
Honestly, I checked out the google link that kingjulian put up. Couldn't find one, and you'd imagine a quote like that would absolutely be on the top of all the papers had it ever been said. But alas, it wasn't. So it's not there.I'm actually very good at research. It's what I do. In fact, I'm so good at it I don't do it in my spare time for lazy people like you.
Someone fill me in on what's gone on with Macca and JM, I can't be arsed reading back.
Henry and Co can't have been too happy with the way everything was getting fed back through Whelan to the media. Either we've instigated it that way (fuck knows why) or Martinez is a massive godshite.