Got sent this in work today, don't know where its from seems a bot to detailed to be a bluff.
I've been given some insight regarding the future employment of key personnel at Liverpool Football club and why the situation appears to be in a state of flux, despite a clear direction actually having been resolved a few weeks ago. Please absorb the following and use your brains to digest the following, calculate its merits and don't let any existing passionate bias for OR against Liverpool dictate your reaction
- instead just think about it with a clear head 1. 8 members of the background team staff have been released to work elsewhere and replacements have been interviewed with offers pending.
2. A radical change in policy for youth team structure and development is being resolved currently with an exchange system being negotiated with a specific overseas country (haven't been told which one).
3. The ownership of the club has been resolved in terms of an offer that HAS been accepted on behalf of the existing shareholders, the deal has yet to be formally concluded in terms of exchange of money for stock - so no announcement will be publicly made until the deal is officially sealed and maximum positive publicity can be achieved.
4. Tom Hicks had been trying to influence the buyer to work with him in future projects in the buyer's native homeland and surrounding countries
- totally unrelated field to that of football but he has been trying to use Liverpool as a bargaining chip to get himself into the alternative commercial environment in an alternative niche.
5. Tom Hicks holds no existing interest in building the new stadium for LFC - any suggestion otherwise is purely speculative. The original design is to be redrawn by the new bidder and a resubmission to the Council will be made by March 2011. No additional onsite work will become effective until then.
6. The manager identified by the new owner is one that some of the KEY 1st team personnel already know - non-disclosure clauses have been distributed to all personnel that know his identity and they all have been contacted to explain the sensitivity of the situation and will not be drawn on commenting in the press, to family members or members of the public!
7. The manager elect has carefully deflected attention from his position and it will NOT be Kenny Dalglish or Roy Hodgson. The debate is a convenient public distraction being played out to divert attention from the identity of the soon to be new owner and his chosen number one.
8. The club is gearing up for an announcement in July and not before and will not do so until the World Cup is concluded. It is imperative to both the commercial value of the announcement and in particular the selected manager - that the team he is currently involved with is not distracted by press questions or club business. Success in the World Cup under this manager will greatly increase the attraction of new players to LFC and significantly increase the commercial revenue stream.
Carefully engineered distractions are already in place to handle identities of both buyer and manager until mid July.
9. At least 16 first team members are certain to be leaving. All player sales NET income generated will be made available to the new team along with an initial cash injection (advance allocation of commercial
revenue) to build a squad now for the next 4-5 years under the new manager.
10. The 1st team will be permanently reduced from their present numbers to allow an increase in wage levels for the main squad, allowing a competitive level of salary for high gross revenue earning players to be maintained at a sustainable level. This will assist in attracting foreign players to the UK, despite the higher tax band and wages offered elsewhere, without dramatically increasing the outgoings of the club.
It has to be stressed that all of the negotiations to purchase the club and the appointment of the target manager has been done through representatives of all parties and you will NOT have seen or will see LFC board members at a hotel/bank/airport/stadia etc with identifiable individuals!! It is too sensitive a time; the process has not been and will continue NOT to be played out in any public areas.
Please note that only the select few within the club know the intimate details of the owners elect and the manager elect - this does NOT include ground staff, reserve team, youth team players or most of the first team. They have NOT been informed of any of the developments other than all will be announced mid July.
So.. to summarise:
Significant non-player staff changes - Yes New owners agreed - Yes New Owners installed - Less than 40 days away.
New Manager Identified - Yes
New Manager installed - Only after the World Cup - actively engaged Cash for transfers - Yes Amount for transfers - I don't know - no point in guessing!!
Sustainable Business Model Identified - Yes Stadium plans - To be revised and resubmitted to council next year.
Players informed - Select few only!
I've been given some insight regarding the future employment of key personnel at Liverpool Football club and why the situation appears to be in a state of flux, despite a clear direction actually having been resolved a few weeks ago. Please absorb the following and use your brains to digest the following, calculate its merits and don't let any existing passionate bias for OR against Liverpool dictate your reaction
- instead just think about it with a clear head 1. 8 members of the background team staff have been released to work elsewhere and replacements have been interviewed with offers pending.
2. A radical change in policy for youth team structure and development is being resolved currently with an exchange system being negotiated with a specific overseas country (haven't been told which one).
3. The ownership of the club has been resolved in terms of an offer that HAS been accepted on behalf of the existing shareholders, the deal has yet to be formally concluded in terms of exchange of money for stock - so no announcement will be publicly made until the deal is officially sealed and maximum positive publicity can be achieved.
4. Tom Hicks had been trying to influence the buyer to work with him in future projects in the buyer's native homeland and surrounding countries
- totally unrelated field to that of football but he has been trying to use Liverpool as a bargaining chip to get himself into the alternative commercial environment in an alternative niche.
5. Tom Hicks holds no existing interest in building the new stadium for LFC - any suggestion otherwise is purely speculative. The original design is to be redrawn by the new bidder and a resubmission to the Council will be made by March 2011. No additional onsite work will become effective until then.
6. The manager identified by the new owner is one that some of the KEY 1st team personnel already know - non-disclosure clauses have been distributed to all personnel that know his identity and they all have been contacted to explain the sensitivity of the situation and will not be drawn on commenting in the press, to family members or members of the public!
7. The manager elect has carefully deflected attention from his position and it will NOT be Kenny Dalglish or Roy Hodgson. The debate is a convenient public distraction being played out to divert attention from the identity of the soon to be new owner and his chosen number one.
8. The club is gearing up for an announcement in July and not before and will not do so until the World Cup is concluded. It is imperative to both the commercial value of the announcement and in particular the selected manager - that the team he is currently involved with is not distracted by press questions or club business. Success in the World Cup under this manager will greatly increase the attraction of new players to LFC and significantly increase the commercial revenue stream.
Carefully engineered distractions are already in place to handle identities of both buyer and manager until mid July.
9. At least 16 first team members are certain to be leaving. All player sales NET income generated will be made available to the new team along with an initial cash injection (advance allocation of commercial
revenue) to build a squad now for the next 4-5 years under the new manager.
10. The 1st team will be permanently reduced from their present numbers to allow an increase in wage levels for the main squad, allowing a competitive level of salary for high gross revenue earning players to be maintained at a sustainable level. This will assist in attracting foreign players to the UK, despite the higher tax band and wages offered elsewhere, without dramatically increasing the outgoings of the club.
It has to be stressed that all of the negotiations to purchase the club and the appointment of the target manager has been done through representatives of all parties and you will NOT have seen or will see LFC board members at a hotel/bank/airport/stadia etc with identifiable individuals!! It is too sensitive a time; the process has not been and will continue NOT to be played out in any public areas.
Please note that only the select few within the club know the intimate details of the owners elect and the manager elect - this does NOT include ground staff, reserve team, youth team players or most of the first team. They have NOT been informed of any of the developments other than all will be announced mid July.
So.. to summarise:
Significant non-player staff changes - Yes New owners agreed - Yes New Owners installed - Less than 40 days away.
New Manager Identified - Yes
New Manager installed - Only after the World Cup - actively engaged Cash for transfers - Yes Amount for transfers - I don't know - no point in guessing!!
Sustainable Business Model Identified - Yes Stadium plans - To be revised and resubmitted to council next year.
Players informed - Select few only!